文章来源: | 发布时间:2016-09-05 | 【字号: 小 中 大 】 |
International Workshop on Digital Crime and Forensics
in conjunction with the 6th Chinese Computer Forensics Research Workshop
17-18 Dec 2016, Nanjing, China
Digital crime and forensics research has taken an unprecedented step in the past decade, research scientists from all over the world have contributed tremendously to the progression of digital security and forensics. However a slew of problems are still existential in the relevant fields especially in mathematical modelling, intelligent computations and evaluations, etc. The focus of this workshop is on calling up the interesting group who dedicated to this field and delve into resolving those thorny problems.
This workshop will endow to mathematical modelling and evaluations of security algorithms. The research work which has taken substantial achievements in any security computing areas will be awarded. This workshop is backed up by the International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF) and jointly organized by Institute of Software Guangzhou Branch, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CyberSecurity Association of China, the Key Laboratory of Intelligent Network and Network Security of the Ministry of Education (MOE) of China at Xi’an Jiaotong University, the State Key Laboratory of Information Security (SKLOIS) of China at Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Computer Forensics Expert Committee of Chinese Institute of Electronics. The topics covered but not limited to:
Crime Scene imaging
Data carving and recovery
Digital document examination
Digital evidence analization
Digital signal processing techniques for crime investigations
Identity theft and biometrics
Machine learning, data mining, and information retrieval for crime prevention and forensics
Malicious codes
Network access control and intrusion detection
Network security and forensics
Intelligent surveillance
Small digital device forensics
Steganography and steganalysis
Visual cryptography and its applications
Privacy protection an digital forensics
Cloud forensiecs
Mobile forensics
Bigdata forensics
Internet of things forensics
Low enforcement of digital crime
General Chairs
Liping Ding, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Wei Qi Yan, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Chang-Tsun Li, University of Warwick, UK
Program Chairs
Feng Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Lidong Zhai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Laiyun Qing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Organization Committee Chairs
Liping Ding, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Guozi Sun, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Xianfeng Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Zhongmin Cai, Xi’an Jiaotong University China
Pradeep Atrey, State University of New York, Albany, United States
Zhongmin Cai, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Yanhui Du, People’s Public Security University of China, China
K.P. Chow, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Liping Ding, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Tiegang Gao, Nankai University, China
Yu Guan, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Xiaolong Li, Peking University, China
Feng Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Ju Liu, Shandong University, China
Hui Lu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Fei Peng, Hunan University, China
Chuan Qin, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Khaled Salah, Khalifa University, United Arab Emirates
Mark Scanlon, University College Dublin, Ireland
Chao Shen, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Guozi Sun, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Hongxia Wang, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
Weiping Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Qiang Wei, The PLA Information Engineering University, China
Nenghai Yu, University of Science and Technology, China
Zhonghuang Yang, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Xingjie Wei, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Xiaotian Wu, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Rongsheng Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Ying Yang, Yale University, United States
Dengpan Ye, Wuhan University, China
Lidong Zhai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Weiming Zhang, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Yuanyuan Zhang, Shandong Academy of Sciences, China
Xianfeng Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yuanfang Guo, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
The Second Round of CFP
Paper submission deadline (Firm): 30 September 2016
Paper acceptance date: 1 November 2016
Camera ready deadline: 1 December 2016
Conference time: 18 December 2016
Paper Submissions
Submitted manuscripts must not substantially overlap with the ones that have been published or are simultaneously under review by other journals or conferences. The submissions must be clearly presented in English, within 6 pages using the IEEE conference template (http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html), Please submit your papers to the conference website:
The conference papers will be selected based on reviewer’s feedback, the originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors need register and attend the conference to present the work. The papers having good quality in writing and oral presentation will be selected and published the International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF, EI Indexed).
Note: Before you register, we strongly suggest you read the following registration information carefully.
Every accepted paper must have at least one full registration. Thanks for your cooperation.
Please send the scanned copy of the bank transfer receipt to jsjqz6@sina.com by email with the name of your workshop (IWDCF2016 or CCFRW2016) and your paper ID. Please note that workshop papers are allowed to 6 pages with IEEE template. Extra 2 pages for workshop papers are also allowed with additional charges.
1. Registration fees:
There are two types of conference registration available (see Table below) --author registration and attendee registration.
l The registration fee is USD $150 (RMB 980)for each paper and the deadline for the registration is October 10th, 2016. Please note that if your payment is not received by that date, the paper will be removed from the main conference and the journal. This deadline will be strictly enforced. The fee for one extra page is USD $100 and the price for one extra proceeding is USD $80.
l The fee for participants/attendees registration is USD $150 (RMB 980).
Author registration |
Non-student Author |
USD $150 |
Student Author |
USD $100 |
Per Extra Page |
USD $100 |
Attendee registration |
USD $150 |
For the registration for student author, the first author must be a student. In order to qualify for the student reduced registration fee, proof of current student status (e.g., current Student ID) must be e-mailed (as an attached scanned image or pdf file) to jsjqz6@sina.com. Please note that current student status will be verified.
2. Full registration includes:
l Publication of one accepted paper in the main conference or workshop proceedings
l A copy of the proceedings the accepted paper belongs to
l Access to all conference sessions and workshops
l Lunch, banquet and reception
3. Payment method:
l For authors: bank transfer
Please carefully read the registration instruction before you pay for the registration fee as an author.
For bank transfer, the author must pay an extra bank fee, as well as the fees from your local bank in order to process the bank transfer. Therefore, please make sure that the net amount that is transferred to the account below is no less than the required registration fee. After bank transfer, please include the required letter with your bank transfer indicating the name of your workshop and your paper ID. Please send the scanned copy of the bank transfer receipt to jsjqz6@sina.com by email with the name of your workshop and your paper ID (if applicable). We will confirm your payment based on your scanned letter and receipt. The bank transfer information is as follows:
Beneficiary name: 中国电子学会
Account number: 0200004609089100591
Beneficiary bank: 中国工商银行北京公主坟支行
Remittance information: workshop name + paper ID
l For participants/attendees: bank transfer or on-site registration
For bank transfer, the payment method is the same to the author registration above. Please make sure to indicate your information (name, Company/Organization, and workshop name) in the transfer and send the scanned copy of the bank transfer receipt to jsjqz6@sina.com by email. We will confirm your payment based on your scanned letter and receipt.
4. The hard copy registration receipts and the proceedings can only be picked up at the conference.
Email: jsjqz6@sina.com Doctor Du
Liufeng@iie.ac.cn Prof. Feng Liu
Tel: 010-62288896
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