文章来源: | 发布时间:2016-07-21 | 【字号: 小 中 大 】 |
题目: New Progress in Cybersecurity Dynamics
报告人:Prof. Shouhuai Xu (University of Texas at San Antonio)
地点: 中国科学院信息工程研究所3号楼3224会议室
Cybersecurity Dynamics is promising in serving as the foundation of the emerging Science of Cybersecurity. It offers a multidisciplinary framework that cuts across Computer Science (including Security), Applied Mathematics (broadly defined, including Stochastic Processes, Dynamical Systems, Control Theory, Game Theory), Statistics, Statistical Physics, Complexity Science, and Network Science. The framework offers a systematic x-y-z-t “coordinate system” (or roadmap) for exploring cybersecurity, where the x-axis represents first-principle modeling, the y-axis represents data analytics, the z-axis represents metrics, and the t-axis represents time (meaning that everything evolves over time). I will briefly review some recent results in these directions (with emphasis on high-level ideas). I will outline some inherent technical barriers that must be tackled before achieving the ultimate goal. Please refer to http://www.cs.utsa.edu/~shxu/
socs/index.html for more information about this exciting research endeavor.
Shouhuai Xu is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at San Antonio. He is Director of the Laboratory for Cybersecurity Dynamics (http://www.cs.utsa.e
du/~shxu/LCD/index.html). His research is primarily in making cyberspace secure and trustworthy. He is especially interested in both theoretical modeling/analysis of cybersecurity and devising practical cyber defense techniques (e.g., provably-secure cryptographic protocols and other advanced cyber defense mechanisms). His research has been funded by AFOSR, ARO, NSF and ONR. He was a Program Committee co-chair of NSS’15 and Inscrypt’13. He co-initiated the ACM Scalable Trusted Computing Workshop (ACM STC). He has served on the Program Committees of numerous international conferences/workshops. He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC) and IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (IEEE T-IFS). He earned his PhD in Computer Science from Fudan University.
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