文章来源: | 发布时间:2015-06-15 | 【字号: 小 中 大 】 |
ICICS 2015
The Seventeenth International Conference on Information and Communications Security
Beijing, China, December 9 – 11, 2015
Call for Papers
Conference Overview
The 2015 International Conference on Information and Communications Security will be the 17th event in the ICICS conference series, started in 1997, that brings together individuals involved in multiple disciplines of Information and Communications Security in order to foster exchange of ideas.
ICICS 2015 will be co-organized by Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University and Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Original papers on all aspects of information and communications security are solicited for submission to ICICS2015. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
♦ Access control |
♦ Hardware security |
♦ Anonymity |
♦ Information hiding and watermarking |
♦ Anti-virus and anti-worms |
♦ Intellectual property protection |
♦ Applied cryptography |
♦ Intrusion detection |
♦ Authentication and authorization |
♦ Key management and key recovery |
♦ Biometric security |
♦ Language-based security |
♦ Cloud security |
♦ Network security |
♦ Computer and digital forensics |
♦ Operating systems security |
♦ Cyber-physical systems security |
♦ Privacy protection |
♦ Data and system integrity |
♦ Risk evaluation and security |
♦ Database security |
♦ Security for mobile computing |
♦ Digital currency |
♦ Security in wearable computing and Internet of things |
♦ Distributed systems security |
♦ Security models and Protocols |
♦ Electronic commerce security |
♦ Security and Privacy of Big Data |
♦ Engineering issues of cryptographic and security systems |
♦ Trusted computing and trustworthy computing technology |
♦ Fraud and cyber-crime |
♦ Usable security |
Instructions for Authors
Authors are invited to submit original papers not previously published nor submitted in parallel for publication to any other conference, workshop or journal. All submitted papers must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references.
Submissions should be in English, as a PDF or PS file with all fonts embedded, in the Springer-Verlag LNCS format (details can be found at: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0), typeset with 11pt font, and using reasonable spacing and margins. Papers should not exceed 12 A4-sized pages including the bibliography, but excluding well-marked appendices. Note that papers should be intelligible without all appendices, since committee members are not required to read them. Submitted papers may risk being rejected directly without consideration of their merits if they do not follow all the above submission instructions.
At least one author of each accepted paper should register the conference and give presentation at the conference.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: September 1, 2015
Notification of acceptance: September 28, 2015
Camera-ready due: October 9, 2015
Conference: December 9-11, 2015
Additional Information
Conference homepage: http://ICICS2015.org/
Email: icics@iie.ac.cn
Among the preceding conferences, ICICS1997 took place in Beijing, China, ICICS1999 in Sydney, Australia, ICICS2001 in Xi’an, China, ICICS2002 in Singapore, ICICS2003 in Huhehaote city, China, ICICS2004 in Malaga, Spain, ICICS2005 in Beijing, China, ICICS2006 in Raleigh, NC, USA, ICICS2007 in Zhengzhou, China, and ICICS2008 in Birmingham, UK, ICICS2009 in Beijing, China, ICICS2010 in Barcelona, Spain, ICICS2011 in Beijing, China, ICICS2012 in Hong Kong, ICICS2013 in Beijing, China and ICICS2014 in Hong Kong. The proceedings were released as Volumes 1334, 1726, 2229, 2513, 2836, 3269, 3783, 4307, 4381, 5308, 5927, 6476, 7043, 7618, 8233, and 8958 of the LNCS series of Springer, respectively.
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