文章来源: | 发布时间:2016-03-10 | 【字号: 小 中 大 】 |
序号 | 论文类型 | 论文名称 | 刊物名称 | 论文所在期刊的卷、期、页 | 论文收录类型 | 论文作者 |
1 | 国内重要刊物 | 具有良好密码学性质的布尔函数的级联构造 | 密码学报 | vol. 1(1), pp. 64-71 | 其他收录 | 吴保峰,林东岱 |
2 | 国内重要刊物 | ElGamal加密方案的KDM安全性 | 密码学报 | Vol.1, No.3, 235-243. | 其他收录 | 常金勇,薛锐,史涛 |
3 | 国内重要刊物 | OSN中基于分类器和改进n-gram模型的跨站脚本检测方法 | 计算机应用 | 2014 Vol. 34 (6): 1661-1665 | 其他收录 | 李沁蕾, 王蕊, 贾晓启 |
4 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于文件格式的加密检测模型 | 第二十四届全国信息保密学术会议/保密科学技术 | 2014(Z09):201-204 | 其他收录 | 何晓磊,赵险峰,吴槟 |
5 | 国内重要刊物 | 一种基于随机性测试的加密通信检测模型 | 第二十四届全国信息保密学术会议/保密科学技术 | 2014(Z09):205-209 | 其他收录 | 刘磊,程成,于海波,吴槟 |
6 | 国内重要刊物 | 一种基于扩展加减覆盖集的隐写方法 | 电子学报 | 42(6): 1168-1172 | EI收录 | 夏冰冰,赵险峰,王明生 |
7 | 国内重要刊物 | 从MH370事件看我国关键基础设施保护 | 中国信息安全 | 期6,页98-101 | 其他收录 | 王文浩、刘峰、赵倩 |
8 | 国内重要刊物 | 美国网络空间安全教育战略计划 | 中国信息安全 | 期8,页91-94 | 其他收录 | 赵倩、刘峰、林东岱 |
9 | 国内重要刊物 | Analysis of Two Public Key Cryptosystems Based on Randomized Knapsack Sequences | Chinese Journal of Electronics | 23,1,175-178 | SCI收录 | PENG Liqiang(彭力强),# ZUO Jinyin, Hu Lei(胡磊), XU Jun(许军) |
10 | 国内重要刊物 | Six Subfamilies of Implementation-Friendly Barreto-Naehrig Curves | Chinese Journal of Electronics | 23,1,169-174 | SCI收录 | #CHEN Shan,#ZHANG Xusheng,WANG Kunpeng(王鲲鹏),#LIN Dongdai |
11 | 国内重要刊物 | Constant-round zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge with strict polynomial-time extractors for NP | Science China Information Science | 57,1,012112:1-012112:14 | SCI收录 | Li Hongda(李红达), Feng Dengguo(冯登国) |
12 | 国内重要刊物 | 模背包向量问题的实际复杂度与基于格密码体制的实际安全性 | 密码学报 | 1,3,225-234 | 其他收录 | 彭力强, 胡磊, 黄章杰, 许军 |
13 | 国内重要刊物 | 一种基于行为的Android系统资源访问控制方案 | 计算机研究与发展 | 51,5,1028-1038 | EI收录 | 雷灵光,荆继武,王跃武(通信作者),张中文 |
14 | 国内重要刊物 | RSA/Rabin-Paillier 陷门函数的比特安全性 | 密码学报 | 1,3,244-254 | 其他收录 | 康镇麒, 吕克伟 |
15 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于可信计算的配电终端密钥管理技术研究 | 计算机工程与设计 | 35 | 其他收录 | 汪丹 |
16 | 国内重要刊物 | 嵌入式可信计算平台测评系统的设计与实现 | 计算机与数字工程 | 42 | 其他收录 | |
17 | 国内重要刊物 | 一种网页挂马攻击中的重定向混淆检测方法 | 网络新媒体技术 | 3 | 其他收录 | |
18 | 国内重要刊物 | An Action-Based Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for Structured Documents and Its Application | The Scientific World Journal | 1-13 | 其他收录 | Su Mang , Li Fenghua , Tang Zhi ,Yu Yinyan, Zhou Bo |
19 | 国内重要刊物 | CL-TAP: An Efficient Certificateless Based Trusted Access Protocol for WLAN | Chinese Journal of Electronics | 23,1,142-146 | 其他收录 | MA Zhuo, LI Fenghua, MA Jianfeng and JI Wenjiang |
20 | 国内重要刊物 | A full lifecycle privacy protection scheme for sensitive data in cloud computing | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | 其他收录 | Jinbo Xiong, Fenghua Li, Jianfeng Ma, Ximeng Liu, Zhiqiang Yao, Patrick S. Chen | |
21 | 国内重要刊物 | 面向网络内容隐私的基于身份加密的安全自毁方案 | 计算机学报 | 37,1,139-150 | 其他收录 | 熊金波,姚志强,马建峰,李凤华,刘西蒙 |
22 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于属性加密的组合文档安全自毁方案 | 电子学报 | 42,1,366-376 | 其他收录 | 熊金波,姚志强,马建峰,李凤华,刘西蒙,李琦 |
23 | 国内重要刊物 | 公共云存储服务数据安全及隐私保护技术综述 | 计算机研究与发展 | 51,7,1397-1409 | 其他收录 | 李 晖,孙文海,李凤华,王博洋 |
24 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于行为的多级访问控制模型 | 计算机研究与发展 | 51,7,1604-1613 | 其他收录 | 苏 铓,李凤华, 史国振 |
25 | 国内重要刊物 | A user-centric data secure creation scheme in cloud computing | Chinese Journal of Electronics | 其他收录 | Su Mang, Li Fenghua, Shi Guozhen, Geng Kui, Xiong Jinbo | |
26 | 国内重要刊物 | 移动互联服务与隐私保护的研究进展 | 通信学报 | 11,1-8 | 其他收录 | 李 晖,李凤华,曹 进,牛 犇,孙文海,耿 魁 |
27 | 国内重要刊物 | 一种抗隐蔽通道的网络隔离通信方案 | 通信学报 | 11,96-97 | 其他收录 | 李凤华,谈苗苗,樊 凯,耿 魁,赵 甫 |
28 | 国内重要刊物 | A User-based Document Management Mechanism in Cloud | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security | 377-381 | 其他收录 | Shi Guozhen, Su Mang, Li Fenghua, Lou Jiapeng ,Qiong Huang |
29 | 国内重要刊物 | A Reliable Supervision Model and Implementation for the Trading of Digital Works | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security | 484-488 | 其他收录 | Shi Guozhen, Shen Ying, Li Fenghua, Su Mang |
30 | 国内重要刊物 | Research on Credible Regulation Mechanism for the Trading of Digital Works | Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks | 484-488 | 其他收录 | Shi Guozhen, Shen Ying, Li Fenghua |
31 | 国内重要刊物 | 土地利用动态度的跨行政区空间融合方法 | 地理与地理信息科学 | 2014,30(4):56-58,72 | EI收录 | 李晓岚,程昌秀,陈驰 |
32 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于决策树的耕地转建设用地的预测与分析 | 地理与地理信息科学 | 2014,30(1):60-64 | EI收录 | 崔珂瑾, 程昌秀 |
33 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于逆序二叉树的高效可分电子现金系统 | 电子与信息学报 | 36(1):22-26,2014 | EI收录 | 张江霄,郭华, 李舟军 |
34 | 国内重要刊物 | 一个改进的云存储数据完整性验证方案 | 电子学报 | 42(1): 150-154, 2014 | EI收录 | 周恩光,李舟军,郭华,贾仰理 |
35 | 国内重要刊物 | 一种利用先验信息的可见光域相干衍射成像方法 | 中国科学院大学学报 | 31(6): 739(2014) | 其他收录 | 高乾坤,史祎诗*,王雅丽,李拓,雷晨,乔亮 |
36 | 国内重要刊物 | 带消息填充的29步SM3算法原根和伪碰撞攻击 | 通信学报 | 35(2), pp. 40-45,2014 | EI收录 | 王高丽*,申延召 |
37 | 国内重要刊物 | 对J-PAKE协议的密码学分析 | 密码学报 | 2014年, 第1卷, 第5期 | 其他收录 | 温伟强, 王立斌*, 马昌社 |
38 | 国内重要刊物 | 一种基于可信计算技术的源代码安全审查模型 | 信息网络安全 | 2014(10): 1-6 | 其他收录 | 张毅, 王伟*, 王刘程, 郝美慈 |
39 | 国内重要刊物 | 快速最小生成树Sollin求解算法 | 信息网络安全 | 2014(7): 87-91 | 其他收录 | 张毅, 顾逸圣, 王伟* |
40 | 国内重要刊物 | 一种变容量的自嵌入图像易碎水印算法 | 计算机研究与发展, 2014 | 51(11): 2505-2512 | EI收录 | 巩道福, 刘粉林, 罗向阳 |
41 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于矩阵编码和多重水印的JPEG图像块级认证算法 | 电子科技大学学报, 2014 | 43(3): 425-431 | EI收录 | 巩道福, 刘粉林, 罗向阳, 汪萍 |
42 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于随机路径点移动模型的MANET容量及延迟分析 | 北京科技大学学报 | 2014年第10期 | EI收录 | 王晓菲, 蔡英*, 范艳芳 |
43 | 国内重要刊物 | 安全协议形式化分析工具比较研究 | 2014年安全协议进展国际会议;密码学报 | 其他收录 | 陆思奇, 程庆丰*, 赵进华 | |
44 | 国内重要刊物 | An adaptive formal modeling and analysis schema for security protocols | ChinaCrypt’14 | 2014.8 | 其他收录 | Dan Fan*, Yuqing Zhang |
45 | 国内重要刊物 | 异构无线网络中基于自更新哈希链的不可否认性计费协议 | 计算机科学 | 2014 | 其他收录 | 陈守国,付安民*,秦宁元 |
46 | 国内重要刊物 | LTE/LTE-A网络中基于盲签名的具有条件隐私保护的切换认证协议 | 计算机科学 | 2014 | 其他收录 | 秦宁元,付安民*,陈守国 |
47 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于AVISPA 的快速切换认证协议FHAM 的安全建模与检测 | 信息网络安全 | 2014,05:21-25 | 其他收录 | 秦宁元,付安民*,陈守国 |
48 | 国内重要刊物 | An Effective Differential Fault Analysis on the Serpent Cryptosystem in the Internet of Things | China Communications | 11(6), pp.129–139, 2014 | SCI、EI收录 | W. Li, Z. Tao, D. Gu, L. Sun, B. Qu, Z. Liu, Y. Liu |
49 | 国内重要刊物 | 可否认的基于属性的指定证实人签名方案 | 计算机应用研究 | 2014年1月 | 其他收录 | 任燕,唐春明* |
50 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于属性的指定证实人签名方案 | 广州大学学报 | 2014年6月 | 其他收录 | 任燕,唐春明* |
51 | 国内重要刊物 | 计算量和密文长度恒定的基于属性的加密 | 中国密码学会2014年会(ChinaCrypt’14) | 2014.08.28-30, pp. 244-252, 郑 州, 2014 |
其他收录 | 张应辉*, 郑东, 陈晓峰, 李进, 李晖 |
52 | 国内重要刊物 | 密文长度恒定且属性直接可撤销的基于属性的加密 | 密码学报 | 1(5): 465-480, 2014 | 其他收录 | 张应辉*,郑东,李进,李晖 |
53 | 国内重要刊物 | 基于辨识性统计特征的PQ隐密图像识别算法 | 通信学报, 2014 | Accepted | EI期刊 | 卢记仓, 刘粉林, 罗向阳, 张轶 |
54 | 国内重要刊物 | 融合门限公钥加密和指数纠删码的安全云存储模型研究 | 2014中国未来网络发展与创新论坛 | 其他收录 | 徐剑, 周福才, 韩健, 李明洁,薛锐 | |
55 | 国外重要刊物 | CCA-Secure IB-KEM from Identity-Based Extractable Hash Proof System | Computer Journal | 57(10): 1537-1556 (2014) | SCI收录 | Yu Chen, Zongyang Zhang, Dongdai Lin, Zhenfu Cao |
56 | 国外重要刊物 | PRE: Stronger Security Notions and Efficient Construction with Non-interactive Opening | Theoretical Computer Science | Vol.542, 2014, pp.1-16 | SCI收录 | Jiang Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yu Chen. |
57 | 国外重要刊物 | The compositional inverse of a class of linearized permutation polynomials over F2n, n odd | Finite Fields and Their Applications | vol. 29, pp. 34-48 | SCI收录 | Baofeng Wu |
58 | 国外重要刊物 | A note on two classes of Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity | Journal of Systems Science & Complexity | vol. 27, pp. 785-794 | SCI收录 | Baofeng Wu, Zhuojun Liu, Qingfang Jin, Xiaoming Zhang |
59 | 国外重要刊物 | An Enhanced Password-based Group Key Agreement Protocol with Constant Rounds | APPLIED MATHEMATICS & INFORMATION SCIENCES | 卷: 8 期: 5 页: 2589-2594 | SCI收录 | Yuan, Wei; Hu, Liang |
60 | 国外重要刊物 | On the security against nonadaptive chosen ciphertext attack and key-dependent message attack | IEICE Trans. Fundamentals. | Vol. E97-A, No.11, 2267-2271 | SCI收录 | Jinyong Chang, Rui Xue |
61 | 国外重要刊物 | General construction of chameleon all-but-one trapdoor functions and their applications | Journal of Software | Vol.9, No.10, 2557-2563 | 其他收录 | Jinyong Chang, Rui Xue |
62 | 国外重要刊物 | Environment-Bound SAML Assertions: A Fresh Approach to Enhance the Security of SAML Assertions | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 8567,pp 361-376 | EI收录 | Kai Chen, Dongdai Lin, Li Yan, Xin Sun |
63 | 国外重要刊物 | Camera Control in Multi-Camera Systems for Video Quality Enhancement | IEEE Sensors Journal | Vol. 14, No.9, pp. 2955-2966, 2014 | SCI收录 | Jianghua Zhong, W.Batiaan Kleijn, Xiaoming Hu |
64 | 国外重要刊物 | Video steganography with perturbed macroblock partition | ACM IH and MMSec | 115-122 | EI收录 | 张弘,曹纭,赵险峰 |
65 | 国外重要刊物 | Constructing differentially 4-uniform permutations over GF(2^{2m}) from quadratic APN permutations over GF(2^{2m+1}) | Designs Codes and Cryptography | Volume: 72, Issue: 2, Page(s): 249–264, 2014 | SCI收录 | 李永强,王明生 |
66 | 国外重要刊物 | A Matrix Approach for Constructing Quadratic APN Functions | Designs Codes and Cryptography | Volume: 73, Issue: 2, Page(s): 587–600, 2014 | SCI收录 | 余玉银,王明生,李永强 |
67 | 国外重要刊物 | Machine Learning based Cross-site Scripting Detection in Online Social Network | The 6th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security | pp835-838 | EI收录 | Rui Wang, Xiaoqi Jia, Qinlei Li, Shengzhi Zhang |
68 | 国外重要刊物 | Distribution Properties of compressing sequences derived from primitive sequences modulo odd prime powers | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | Vol.60, No. 10, 6602-6608 | SCI收录 | Yupeng Jiang,Dongdai Liin |
69 | 国外重要刊物 | Generalized Fourier transform and the joint N- adic complexity of a multisequence | IEICE Transcations on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences |
vol.E9-A, No.9, pp: 1982-1986 | SCI收录 | 杨名慧,林东岱,光炫 |
70 | 国外重要刊物 | Minimum linear complexity approximation of sequences with period q^n-1 over Fq | IEICE Transcations on Fundamentals of Electronics,Communications and Computer Sciences | vol. E97-A, No.12, pp: 2267-2270 | SCI收录 | 杨名慧,林东岱,施敏加 |
71 | 国外重要刊物 | Feature Selection with Spatial Path Coding for Multimedia Analysis | Information Sciences | 281: 523-535 (2014) | SCI收录 | Yahong Han, Jingjing Chen, Xiaochun Cao, Congfu Xu, and Haoquan Shen |
72 | 国外重要刊物 | Augmenting Image Descriptions Using Structured Prediction Output | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | 16(6): 1665-1676 (2014) | SCI收录 | Yahong Han, Xingxing Wei, Xiaochun Cao, Yi Yang, Xiaofang Zhou |
73 | 国外重要刊物 | Self-adaptively Weighted Co-saliency Detection via Rank Constraint | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | 23(9): 4175-4186 (2014) | SCI收录 | Xiaochun Cao, Zhiqiang Tao, Bao Zhang, Huazhu Fu, and Wei Feng |
74 | 国外重要刊物 | Lip Segmentation under MAP-MRF Framework with Automatic Selection of Local Observation Scale and Number of Segments | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | 23(8): 3397-3411 (2014) | SCI收录 | Yiu-ming Cheung, Meng Li, Xiaochun Cao, and Xinge You |
75 | 国外重要刊物 | Regularity Preserved Superpixels and Supervoxels | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | 16(4): 1165-1175 (2014) | SCI收录 | Huazhu Fu, Xiaochun Cao, Dai Tang, Yahong Han, and Dong Xu |
76 | 国外重要刊物 | Symmetry Constraint for Foreground Extraction | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | 44(5): 644-654 (2014) | SCI收录 | Huazhu Fu, Xiaochun Cao, Zhuowen Tu, and Dongdai Lin |
77 | 国外重要刊物 | Quadratic Tsallis Entropy Bias and generalized Maximum Entropy Models | Computational Intelligence | 30(2): 233-262 (2014) | SCI收录 | Yuexian Hou, Bo Wang, Dawei Song, Xiaochun Cao, Wenjie Li |
78 | 国外重要刊物 | Video Color Conceptualization using Optimization | Science China Information Sciences | 57(7): 1-11 (2014) | SCI收录 | Xiaochun Cao, Yujie Zhang, Xiaojie Guo, and Yiu-ming Cheung |
79 | 国外重要刊物 | Action recognition using 3D DAISY descriptor | Machine Vision and Applications | 25(1): 159-171 (2014) | SCI收录 | Xiaochun Cao, Hua Zhang, Chao Deng, Qiguang Liu, and Hanyu Liu |
80 | 国外重要刊物 | An Improved Twisted Ate Pairing over KSS Curves with $k=18$ | Pairing2012/LNCS | LNCS 7708, pp. 35–45, 2013. | EI收录 | 陈珊 王鲲鹏 林东岱 |
81 | 国外重要刊物 | Six Subfamilies of Implementation-Friendly Barreto-Naehrig Curves | Chinese Journal of Electronics | Vol.23, No.1, Jan. 2014 | SCI收录 | 陈珊 张旭升 王鲲鹏 林东岱 |
82 | 国外重要刊物 | Omega Pairing on Hyperelliptic Curves | Inscrypt 2013/LNCS | LNCS 8567, pp. 167–184, 2014. | EI收录 | 陈珊 王鲲鹏 林东岱 |
83 | 国外重要刊物 | Role-based and time-bound access and management of EHR data | Security and Communication Networks | 2014, 7: 994-1015 | SCI收录 | Rui Zhang, Ling Liu, Rui Xue |
84 | 国外重要刊物 | On the Negative Effects of Trend Noise and Its Applications in Side-Channel Cryptanalysis. | CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS | Vol.23,No.2,April 2014,p366-370 | SCI收录 | Cao Yuchen,Zhou Yongbin,Yu Zhenmei |
85 | 国外重要刊物 | On hardening leakage resilience of random extractors for instantiations of leakage-resilient cryptographic primitives | Information Sciences | Inf. Sci. 271: 213-223 (2014) | SCI收录 | Danyang Chen, Yongbin Zhou, Yang Han, Rui Xue, Qing He |
86 | 国外重要刊物 | Securing Body Sensor Networks with Biometric Methods:A New Key Negotiation Method and a Key Sampling Method for Linear Interpolation Encryption | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | p1-11 | SCI收录 | Huawei Zhao,Chi Chen,Jiankun Hu,Jing Qin |
87 | 国外重要刊物 | On the linear complexity of Legendre sequences over GF(q) | IEICE | E97-A, 7, 1627-1630 | SCI收录 | 王秋艳 林东岱 光玄 |
88 | 国外重要刊物 | On the linear complexty of new modified Jacobi sequences | IEICE | E97-A, 11, 2263-2266 | SCI收录 | 王秋艳 姜宇鹏 林东岱 光玄 |
89 | 国外重要刊物 | k out of k extended visual cryptography scheme by random grids | Signal Processing (Elsevier) | volume 94, pages 90–101 | SCI收录 | Teng Guo, Feng Liu, Chuankun Wu |
90 | 国外重要刊物 | ESSVCS: An Enriched Secret Sharing Visual Cryptography | Springer Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security | LNCS 8363, pages 1-24 | EI收录 | Feng Liu, Weiqi Yan, Peng Li, Chuankun Wu |
91 | 国外重要刊物 | Flexible Visual Cryptography Scheme Without Distortion and Its Application | Springer Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security | LNCS 8363, pages 110-130 | EI收录 | Feng Liu, Teng Guo, Chuankun Wu, Ching-Nung Yang. |
92 | 国外重要刊物 | Constructing new differentially 4-uniform permutations from the inverse function | Finite Fields and Their Applications | 2014,25,64-78 | SCI收录 | Zhengbang Zha(查正邦), Lei Hua(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维) |
93 | 国外重要刊物 | Cryptanalysis of two cryptosystems based on multiple intractability assumptions |
IET Communications | 8,14,2433-2437 | SCI收录 | Jun Xu(许军), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维) |
94 | 国外重要刊物 | Cryptanalysis of Countermeasures Against Multiple Transmission Attacks on NTRU | IET Communications | 8,12,2142-2146 | SCI收录 | Jun Xu(许军), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维),Yonghong Xie(解永宏) |
95 | 国外重要刊物 | Publishing and sharing encrypted data with potential friends in online social networks | Security and Communication Networks | 7,2,409-421 | SCI收录 | Huimin. Shuai (帅慧敏) and Wen Tao Zhu (朱文涛) |
96 | 国外重要刊物 | Cryptographic Properties of Nested Functions and Algebraic Immunity of the Boolean Function in Hitag2 Stream Cipher | Cryptography and Communications - Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences | 6,3,233-254 | SCI收录 | Jinyong Shan(单进勇), Lei Hu(胡磊), Xiangyong Zeng |
97 | 国外重要刊物 | New constructions of APN polynomial functions in odd characteristic | Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (AAECC) | 25,4,249-263 | SCI收录 | Zhengbang Zha(查正邦), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维), Yao Sun |
98 | 国外重要刊物 | Projective Interpolation of Polynomial Vectors and Improved Key Recovery Attack on SFLASH | Designs, Codes and Cryptography | 73,3,719-730 | SCI收录 | Weiwei Cao(曹巍巍), Lei Hu(胡磊) |
99 | 国外重要刊物 | Schemes for remotely preparing an arbitrary four-qubit chi-state | Quantum Information Processing | 2014, 13 (9): 1951-1965 | SCI收录 | S. Y. Ma, M. X. Luo, X. B. Chen, and Y. X. Yang |
100 | 国外重要刊物 | Joint remote preparation of an arbitrary two-qubit state in noisy environments | International Journal of Theoretical Physics | 2014, 53: 2236-2245 | SCI收录 | X. W. Guan, X. B. Chen, L. C. Wang, and Y. X. Yang |
101 | 国外重要刊物 | Quantum secret sharing for general access structures based on multiparticle entanglements | Quantum Information Processing | 2014, 13 (2): 429-443 | SCI收录 | M. M. Wang, X. B. Chen, and Y. X. Yang |
102 | 国外重要刊物 | Quantum state sharing of arbitrary known multi-qubit and multi-qudit states | International Journal of Quantum Information | 2014, 13 (3): 1450014 | SCI收录 | M. M. Wang, X. B. Chen, J. G. Chen, and Y. X. Yang |
103 | 国外重要刊物 | Robust variations of secret sharing through noisy quantum channel | Quantum Information & Computation | 2014, 14 (7): 0589-0607 | SCI收录 | X. B. Chen, G. Xu, Y. Su, and Y. X. Yang |
104 | 国外重要刊物 | Multi-party quantum state sharing of an arbitrary multi-qubit state via chi-type entangled states | Quantum Information Processing | 2014, 13 (9): 2081-2098 | SCI收录 | S. Y. Kang, X. B. Chen, and Y. X. Yang |
105 | 国外重要刊物 | Asymmetric Quantum Information Splitting of an Arbitrary N -qubit State via GHZ-like State and Bell States | International Journal of Theoretical Physics | 2014, 53 (6): 1848-1861 | SCI收录 | S. Y. Kang, X. B. Chen, and Y. X. Yang |
106 | 国外重要刊物 | A class of protocols for quantum private comparison based on the symmetry of states | Quantum Information Processing | 2014, 13 (1): 85-100 | SCI收录 | X. B. Chen, Z. Dou, G. Xu, C. Wang, and Y. X. Yang |
107 | 国外重要刊物 | Efficient and feasible quantum private comparison of equality against the collective amplitude damping noise | Quantum Information Processing | 2014, 13 (1): 101-112 | SCI收录 | X. B. Chen, Y. Su, X. X. Niu, and Y. X. Yang |
108 | 国外重要刊物 | Typical universal entanglers | Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy | 2014, 57 (10): 1913-1917 | SCI收录 | F. Wang, M. X. Luo, X. B. Chen, Y. X. Yang, and X. J. Wang |
109 | 国外重要刊物 | Hyperentanglement concentration for n-photon 2n-qubit systems with linear optics | Journal of the Optical Society of America B | 2014, 31 (1): 67-74 | SCI收录 | M. X. Luo, X. B. Chen, Y. X. Yang, Z. G. Qu, and X. Wang |
110 | 国外重要刊物 | Quantum State Secure Transmission in Network Communications | Information Sciences | 2014, 276 (8): 363-376 | SCI收录 | X. B. Chen, Y. Su, G. Xu, and Y. X. Yang |
111 | 国外重要刊物 | Affiliation-hiding Authenticated Asymmetric Group Key Agreement based on short signature | The Computer Journal | 2014,57(10):1580-1590 | SCI收录 | Chang Xu, Hua Guo, Zhoujun Li,Yi Mu |
112 | 国外重要刊物 | Cryptanalysis of a three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol | International Journal of Network Security | 16(5), pp.393-396, 2014 | EI收录 | Debiao He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianhua Chen |
113 | 国外重要刊物 | Cryptanalysis and improvement of an anonymous authentication protocol for wireless access networks | Wireless Personal Communication | 74(2), pp. 229-243, 2014 | SCI收录 | Debiao He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianhua Chen |
114 | 国外重要刊物 | A diffraction model of direction multiplexing for hiding multiple images | Journal of Modern Optics | 61(14), 1127-1132 (2014) | SCI收录 | Zhengjun Liu, Jiubin Tan, Wei Liu, Jingjing Wu, Qun Wu, Shutian Liu |
115 | 国外重要刊物 | Autocorrelation of two Legendre-Sidelnikov sequences | The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications | 2014, 21(5):83-88 | 其他收录 | XIE Jia*, GAO Jun-tao, YUE Zhao, LI Xue-lian |
116 | 国外重要刊物 | The independent of subgroup states | International Journal of Theoretical Physics | September 2014, Volume 53, Issue 9, pp 3124-3134 | EI收录 | 罗明星* |
117 | 国外重要刊物 | Geometry of quantum computation with qudits | Scientific Reports | 2014, 4, 4044 | SCI收录 | 罗明星*, Xiubo Chen, Yixian Yang, Xiaojun Wang |
118 | 国外重要刊物 | Parallel Photonic Quantum Computation Assisted by Quantum Dots in One-Side Optical Microcavities | Scientific Reports | 2014, 4,5732 | SCI收录 | 罗明星* & Xiaojun Wang |
119 | 国外重要刊物 | Optical encryption of unlimited-size-image based on ptychographic scanning digital holography | App. Opt. | 53(21), 4700(2014) | SCI收录 | Q. Gao, Y. Wang, T. Li, Y. Shi* |
120 | 国外重要刊物 | Ptychographical imaging algorithm based on illuminating beam matched with rotational phase encoding | Acta Phys. Sin | 63(16):164204 (2014) | SCI收录 | Z. Wang, Y. Wang, T. Li, Y. Shi* |
121 | 国外重要刊物 | iCruiser: An Improved Approach for Concurrent Heap Buffer Overflow Monitoring | IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2014 | E97D(3):601-605 | SCI收录 | Donghai Tian*, Xuanya Li, Mo Chen, Changzhen Hu |
122 | 国外重要刊物 | A Virtualization-based Approach for Application Whitelisting | IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2014 | E97D(6):1648-1651 | SCI收录 | Donghai Tian*, Jingfeng Xue, Changzhen Hu, Xuanya Li |
123 | 国外重要刊物 | Defeating Buffer Overflow Attacks via Virtualization | Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2014 | 40(6):1940-1950 (2014) | SCI收录 | Donghai Tian*, Xi Xiong, Changzhen Hu, Peng Liu |
124 | 国外重要刊物 | Practical collision attack on 40-step RIPEMD-128 | CT-RSA 2014 | LNCS 8366, pp. 444-460, 2014 | EI收录 | Gaoli Wang* |
125 | 国外重要刊物 | (Pseudo-) preimage attacks on step-reduced HAS-160 and RIPEMD-160 | ISC 2014 | LNCS 8783, pp. 90-107, 2014 | EI收录 | Gaoli Wang*, Yanzhao Shen |
126 | 国外重要刊物 | Insecurity of ‘Improved Anonymous Multi-Receiver Identity-Based Encryption’ | The Computer Journal | 57(4), 2014, pp.636-638 | SCI、EI收录 | Huaqun Wang |
127 | 国外重要刊物 | Signer-admissible strong designated verifier signature from bilinear pairings | Security and Communication Networks | 7,2014,pp.422-428 | SCI、EI收录 | Huaqun Wang |
128 | 国外重要刊物 | Reachability Analysis of Cost-Reward Timed Automata for Energy Efficiency Scheduling | The 2014 International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores (PMAN 2014), in conjunction with PPoPP 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA | February 15-19, 2014 | EI收录 | Wei Wang*, Dong Guo, Guosun Zeng, et al. |
129 | 国外重要刊物 | SKM: Scalable Key Management for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grids | IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics | 61(12): 7055-7066 (2014) | SCI、EI收录 | Zhiguo Wan*, Guilin Wang, Yanjiang Yang and Shenxing shi |
130 | 国外重要刊物 | Selection of Image Features for Steganalysis Based on the Fisher Criterion | Digital Investigation, 2014 | 11(1): 57-66 | SCI收录 | Jicang Lu, Fenlin Liu, Xiangyang Luo |
131 | 国外重要刊物 | Recognizing F5-like Stego Images from Multi-Class Stego Images | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2014 | 8(11)4153-4169(2014) | EI收录 | Jicang Lu, Fenlin Liu, Xiangyang Luo |
132 | 国外重要刊物 | Several classes of complete permutation polynomials | Finite Fields and Their Applications | Vol. 25, no.1, pp.182-193, Jan. 2014 | SCI、EI收录 | Ziran Tu, 曾祥勇*, Lei Hu |
133 | 国外重要刊物 | The properties of a class of linear FSRs and their applications to the construction of nonlinear FSRs | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | Vol.60, No.5, pp. 3052-3061, May 2014 | SCI、EI收录 | Chaoyun Li, 曾祥勇*, Tor Helleseth, Chunlei Li, Lei Hu |
134 | 国外重要刊物 | Cryptographic properties of nested functions and algebraic immunity of the Boolean function in Hitag2 stream cipher | Cryptography and Communications - Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences | Vol. 6, no.3, pp.233-254, Sept. 2014 | SCI、EI收录 | Jinyong Shan*, Lei Hu, 曾祥勇 |
135 | 国外重要刊物 | The weight distributions of two classes of p-ary cyclic codes | Finite Fields and Their Applications | Vol.29, pp. 202-224, Sept. 2014 | SCI、EI收录 | Dabin Zheng*, Xiaoqiang Wang, Lei Hu, 曾祥勇 |
136 | 国外重要刊物 | Cryptanalysis and Improvement of the Controlled Quantum Secure Direct Communication by Using Four Particle Cluster States | Int J Theor Phys | 2014,53(5): 1495 -1501 | SCI、EI收录 | Zhenchao ZHU, AiQun HU and AnMin FU |
137 | 国外重要刊物 | A Novel Hybrid Incentive Mechanism for Node Cooperation in Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems | International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems | 2014,29(3): 316-336 | EI收录 | X. Wang, Y. Cai*, Z. Li |
138 | 国外重要刊物 | Survey on Cooperation Incentive Mechanisms in MANETs | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 2014,513-517: 1811-1818 | EI收录 | X. Wang, Y. Cai*, Z. Li |
139 | 国外重要刊物 | Security Weakness of Two Identity-Based Multiple Key Agreement Protocols | In Proc. of ICT’14, Nanjing, China: IET, 2014 | 498-502 | EI收录 | Q. F. Cheng*, J. H. Zhao, S. Q. Lu |
140 | 国外重要刊物 | A Privacy Preserving Vertical Handover Authentication Scheme for WiMAX-WiFi Networks | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems | vol.8, no. 9, pp. 3250-3265, September 2014 | SCI、EI收录 | Anmin Fu*, Gongxuan Zhang, Yan Yu, and Zhenchao Zhu |
141 | 国外重要刊物 | High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Prediction Error | Signal Processing | 2014, 104: 387-400 | SCI、EI收录 | Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun |
142 | 国外重要刊物 | The Complexity and Randomness of Linear Multi-Secret Sharing Schemes with Non-Threshold Structures | Acta Mathematicae Applicate Sinica | 30(4)1073-1084(2014) | SCI收录 | Chunming Tang*, Shuguang Dai |
143 | 国外重要刊物 | Construction of Multiplicative Monotone Span Program | Journal of Computational Information Systems | 10(20)8703-8713(2014) | EI收录 | Yuenai Chen, Chunming Tang* |
144 | 国外重要刊物 | An Improved Skip List for Relational Query Authentication | Proc of BWCCA 2014 | Proc of BWCCA 2014 | 其他收录 | Jian Xu, Ze Cao, Qiong Xiao, Fucai Zhou |
145 | 国外重要刊物 | The electronic cash system based on non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs | International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2014 | DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2014.933816 | EI收录 | Fucai Zhou, Yuxi Li, Qingshi Zhou, Jingwei Miao , Jian Xu |
146 | 国外重要刊物 | Quantum cryptographic algorithm for color images using quantum Fourier transform and double random-phase encoding | Information Sciences | 277,445-457(2014) | SCI、EI收录 | Yu-Guang Yang, Xin Jia, Si-Jia Sun, Pan Qing-Xiang |
147 | 国外重要刊物 | Analysis and improvement of the dynamic watermarking scheme for quantum images using quantum wavelet transform | Quantum Information Processing | 13,1931-1936(2014) | SCI、EI收录 | Yu-Guang Yang, Peng Xu, Ju Tian, Hua Zhang |
148 | 国外重要刊物 | Secure quantum private query with real-time security check | Optik | 125, 5538-5541 (2014) | SCI、EI收录 | Yu-Guang Yang, Si-Jia Sun, Ju Tian, Peng Xu |
149 | 国外重要刊物 | Quantum oblivious transfer with an untrusted third party | Optik | 125,5409-5413(2014) | SCI、EI收录 | Yu-Guang Yang, Peng Xu, Ju Tian, Hua Zhang |
150 | 国外重要刊物 | Improved security of a dynamic remote data possession checking protocol for cloud storage | Expert Syst. Appl. | 41(17): 7789-7796 (2014) | SCI、EI收录 | Yong Yu, Jianbing Ni*, Man Ho Au, Hongyu Liu, Hua Wang, Chunxiang Xu |
151 | 国外重要刊物 | Improvement of a Remote Data Possession Checking Protocol from Algebraic Signatures | ISPEC 2014 | 359-372 | EI收录 | Yong Yu*, Jianbing Ni, Jian Ren, Wei Wu, Lanxiang Chen, Qi Xia |
152 | 国外重要刊物 | LR-FEAD: leakage-tolerating and attribute-hiding functional encryption mechanism with delegation in affine subspaces | The Journal of Supercomputing | 70(3): 1405-1432 (2014) | SCI收录 | Mingwu Zhang, Chunzhi Wang, Kirill Morozov |
153 | 国外重要刊物 | ACP-lrFEM: Functional Encryption Mechanism with Automatic Control Policy in the Presence of Key Leakage | ISPEC'14 | LNCS 8434, pp. 481–495, 2014 | EI收录 | Mingwu Zhang |
154 | 国外重要刊物 | New model and construction of ABE: achieving key resilient-leakage and attribute direct-revocation | ACISP'14 | LNCS 8544, pp. 192–208, 2014 | EI收录 | Mingwu Zhang |
155 | 国外重要刊物 | Key continual-leakage resilient broadcast cryptosystem from dual system in broadcast networks | Frontiers of Computer Science | 8(3): 456-468 (2014) | EI收录 | Mingwu Zhang, Yi Mu |
156 | 国外重要刊物 | Computationally Efficient Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Constant-Size Ciphertexts | The 8th International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec’14) | 8782:259-273(2014) | EI收录 | Yinghui Zhang*, Dong Zheng, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Hui Li |
157 | 国外重要刊物 | Generic Construction for Secure and Efficient Handoff Authentication Schemes in EAP-based Wireless Networks |
Computer Networks | Volume 75, Part A, 192-211, 2014 | 其他收录 | Yinghui Zhang*, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Hui Li |
158 | 国外重要刊物 | Attribute-Based Data Sharing with Flexible and Direct Revocation in Cloud Computing | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2014. |
8(11):4028-4049(2014) | EI收录 | Yinghui Zhang*, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Hui Li, Fenghua Li |
159 | 国外重要刊物 | Privacy-Aware Attribute-Based PHR Sharing with User Accountability in Cloud Computing | The Journal of Supercomputing | 1-13, 2014 | EI收录 | Fatos Xhafa*, Jianglang Feng, Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li |
160 | 国外重要刊物 | Key Policy Attribute-Based Proxy Re-encryption and RCCA Secure Scheme | Journal of Internet Services and Information Security |
4(2): 70-82, 2014 | 其他收录 | Keying Li*, Jianfeng Wang, Yinghui Zhang, Hua Ma |
161 | 国外重要刊物 | Identity-Based Encryption Secure against Selective Opening Chosen-Ciphertext Attack | EUROCRYPT 2014 | EUROCRYPT 2014: 77-92 | EI收录 | Junzuo Lai, Robert H. Deng, Shengli Liu, Jian Weng, Yunlei Zhao |
162 | 国外重要刊物 | All-but-One Dual Projective Hashing and Its Applications | ACNS 2014 | 8479 ACNS 2014: 181-198 | EI收录 | Zongyang Zhang, Yu Chen, Sherman S. M. Chow, Goichiro Hanaoka, Zhenfu Cao, Yunlei Zhao |
163 | 国外重要刊物 | Extended Capabilities for XOR-Based Visual Cryptography | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | 2014, 9(10): 1592-1605 | EI收录 | Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun |
164 | 国外重要刊物 | Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key-Exchange Over Internet | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | 9(1): 125-140 (2014) | EI收录 | Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, Yunlei Zhao |
165 | 国外重要刊物 | Attribute-Based Signature Schemes with Accountability | International Journal of Information and Communication Technology | 其他收录 | 任燕,唐春明* | |
166 | 国外重要刊物 | Robust biometrics-based authentication scheme for multi-server environment | IEEE Systems Journal | DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2014.2301517, 2014 | SCI, IF: 1.746 | Debiao He, Ding Wang |
167 | 国外重要刊物 | Muhammad Khurram Khan. Robust anonymous authentication protocol for healthcare applications using wireless medical sensor networks | Multimedia Systems | DOI: 10.1007/s00530-013-0346-9, 2014 | SCI, IF: 0.443 | Debiao He, Neeraj Kumar* |
168 | 国外重要刊物 | Robust biometric-based user authentication scheme for wireless sensor networks | Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks | accepted | SCI, IF: 0.478 | Debiao He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianhua Chen |
169 | 国外重要刊物 | Joint encryption and compressed sensing in smart grid data transmission | Globecom2014, Austin, USA | 2014.12.08-2014.12.12 | 其他收录 | Juntao Gao*, Xiuming Zhang, Hao Liang and Xuemin(Sherman) Shen |
170 | 国外重要刊物 | Identity-Based Distributed Provable Data Possession in Multi-Cloud Storage | IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | doi: 10.1109/TSC.2014.1 | 其他收录 | Huaqun Wang |
171 | 国外重要刊物 | Control Cloud Data Access Privilege and Anonymity With Fully Anonymous Attribute Based Encryption | Accepted by IEEE Trans. Information Forensics, 2014 | 其他收录 | T. Jung*, X.-Y. Li, Zhiguo Wan, and M. Wan | |
172 | 国外重要刊物 | Steganalysis of PQ Based on the Difference Between Absolute Coefficient Histograms in Contributing Mode Pairs | Journal of Multimedia, 2014 | Accepted | EI期刊 | Yi Zhang, Fenlin Liu, Xiangyang Luo, Jicang Lu |
173 | 国外重要刊物 | Two classes of permutation poynomials having the form (x^{2^m}+x+\delta)^s+x | Finite Fields and Their Applications | Vol. 31, pp. 12-24, Jan. 2015 | 其他收录 | Ziran Tu, 曾祥勇*, Yupeng Jiang |
174 | 国外重要刊物 | The weight distributions of a class of non-primitive cyclic codes with two nonzeros | Science China Mathematics | Doi: 10.1007/s11425-014-4888-x | 其他收录 | Dabin Zheng*, Fengli Zhou, Lei Hu, 曾祥勇 |
175 | 国外重要刊物 | The weight distribution of a family of p-ary cyclic codes | Designs, Codes and Cryptography | Doi 10.1007/s10623-013-9908-2 | 其他收录 | Dabin Zheng*, Xiaoqiang Wang, 曾祥勇, Lei Hu |
176 | 国外重要刊物 | Two constructions of balanced Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity, high nonlinearity and good behavior against fast algebraic attacks | Designs, Codes and Cryptography | DOI 10.1007/s10623-014-9949-1 | 其他收录 | Jiao Li, Claude Carlet, 曾祥勇*, Chunlei Li, Lei Hu, Jinyong Shan |
177 | 国外重要刊物 | Enhanced Boolean functions suitable for the filter model of pseudo-random generator | Designs, Codes, and Cryptography | Accepted to be published. Published Online | 其他收录 | C. Carlet, D. Tang* |
178 | 国外重要刊物 | A lower bound on the average Hamming correlation of frequency-hopping sequence sets | Adv. Math. Communi | accepted to be published | 其他收录 | A. X. Zhang, Z.C. Zhou *, and K. Q. Feng |
179 | 国外重要刊物 | Non-expansible XOR-based visual cryptography scheme with meaningful shares | Signal processing | accepted, 2014-10-08 | 其他收录 | Duanhao Ou, Wei Sun, Xiaotian Wu |
180 | 国外重要刊物 | High payload image steganography with minimum distortion based on absolute moment block truncation coding [J] | Multimedia Tools and Applications | accepted, 2014-04-27 | 其他收录 | Duanhao Ou, Wei Sun |
181 | 国外重要刊物 | Improved Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers with Shorter Public Keys | International Journal of Security and Its Applications | 接收 | 其他收录 | Can Xiang, Chunming Tang* |
182 | 国外重要刊物 | Verifiable and Secure Outsourcing Scheme of Exponentiations and its Application in Wireless Sensor Network | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | 接收 | 其他收录 | Can Xiang, Chunming Tang* |
183 | 国外重要刊物 | Securely Verifiable Outsourcing schemes of Matrix Calculation | International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking | 接收 | 其他收录 | Can Xiang, Chunming Tang* |
184 | 国外重要刊物 | Two classes of permutation polynomials having the form (x2m+x+δ)s+x | Finite Fields and Their Applications |
Volume 31, January 2015, Pages 12–24 | 其他收录 | Tu Ziran, Zeng Xiangyong, Jiang Yupeng |
185 | 国外重要刊物 | On algebraic properties of S-boxes designed by means of disjoint linear codes | International Journal of Computer Mathematics | DOI:10.1080/00207160.2014.988148 | 其他收录 | Yongzhuang Wei, Wenbin Yin,Fengrong Zhang, Enes Pasalic |
186 | 国外重要刊物 | The higher-order meet-in-the-middle attack and its application to the Camellia block cipher | Theoretical Computer Science | 527, (2014), pp.102–122 | 其他收录 | Jiqiang Lu, Yongzhuang Wei, Jongsung Kimd, Enes Pasalice |
187 | 国外重要刊物 | Public key encryption with delegated equality test in a multi-user setting | Computer Journal | DOI: 10.1093/ comjnl/bxu026, 2014 | 其他收录 | Sha Ma, Mingwu Zhang, Qiong Huang and Bo Yang |
188 | 国外重要刊物 | Quantum Oblivious Transfer Based on a Quantum Symmetrically Private Information Retrieval Protocol | International Journal of Theoretical Physic | 其他收录 | Yu-Guang Yang, Si-Jia Sun, Yan Wang | |
189 | 其他 | Robust Separation of Reflection from Multiple Images | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, CCF A) | 2014, pages: 2195-2202 | EI收录 | Xiaojie Guo (郭晓杰), Xiaochun Cao and Yi Ma |
190 | 其他 | Robust Foreground Detection Using Smoothness and Arbitrariness Constraints | European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV, CCF B) | 2014, pages: 535-550 | EI收录 | Xiaojie Guo (郭晓杰), Xinggang Wang, Liang Yang, Xiaochun Cao and Yi Ma |
191 | 其他 | Speeding Up Low Rank Matrix Recovery for Foreground Separation in Surveillance Videos | IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME, CCF B) | 2014, pages: 1-6 | EI收录 | Xiaojie Guo (郭晓杰), Xiaochun Cao |
192 | 其他 | Sakai-Ohgishi-Kasahara Non-Interactive Identity- Based Key Exchange Scheme, Revisited | The 19th Australasian Conference on Information Secu- rity and Privacy, ACISP 2014 | LNCS 8544, pp. 274-289 | EI收录 | Yu Chen, Qiong Huang, Zongyang Zhang |
193 | 其他 | Publicly Evaluable Pseudorandom Functions and Their Applications | The 9th Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks, SCN 2014 | LNCS 8642, pp.115- 134 | EI收录 | Yu Chen, Zongyang Zhang |
194 | 其他 | All-but-One Dual Projective Hashing and Its Applications | The 12th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, ACNS 2014 | LNCS 8479, pp.181-198 | EI收录 | Zongyang Zhang, Yu Chen, Sherman S.M. Chow, Goichiro Hanaoka, Zhenfu Cao, Yunlei Zhao |
195 | 其他 | Black-Box Separations for One-More (Static) CDH and Its Generalization | ASIACRYPT 2014 | LNCS 8874, pp. 366-385 | EI收录 | Jiang Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yu Chen, Yanfei Guo, Zongyang Zhang |
196 | 其他 | New classes of quadratic bent functions in polynomial forms | 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory | Proc. ISIT 2014, pp. 1832-1836 | EI收录 | Baofeng Wu |
197 | 其他 | Constructing Boolean functions with potentially optimal algebraic immunity based on additive decompositions of finite fields (extended abstract) | 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory | Proc. ISIT 2014, pp. 1361-1365 | EI收录 | Baofeng Wu, Qingfang Jin, Zhuojun Liu, Dongdai Lin |
198 | 其他 | Video Quality Improvement for Multi-camera Systems Using Camera Control | Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference | pp.1924-1931, 2014 | EI收录 | Jianghua Zhong, W.Batiaan Kleijn, Xiaoming Hu |
199 | 其他 | Stability of Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers | Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation | pp. 671-676, 2014 | EI收录 | Jianghua Zhong, Dongdai Lin |
200 | 其他 | On Maximum Length Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers Using a Boolean Network Approach | Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference | pp. 2502-2507, 2014 | EI收录 | Jianghua Zhong, Dongdai Lin |
201 | 其他 | New Partial Key Exposure Attacks on CRT-RSA with Large Public Exponents | ACNS 2014 | LNCS 8479, pp. 151–162, 2014 | EI收录 | Yao Lu, Rui Zhang, Dongdai Lin |
202 | 其他 | Constructing S-boxes for lightweight cryptography with Feistel structure | Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2014 (CHES2014) | CHES2014, LNCS 8731, Page(s): 127–146, 2014 | EI收录 | 李永强,王明生 |
203 | 其他 | Low Data Complexity Inversion Attacks on Stream Ciphers via Truncated Compressed Preimage Sets |
Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy(ACISP 2014) | ACISP 2014, LNCS 8544, pp. 131–147, 2014 | EI收录 | 钟霄,王明生,张斌,吴生宝 |
204 | 其他 | Revised Algorithms for Computing Algebraic Immunity against Algebraic and Fast Algebraic Attacks | Information Security Conference | ISC 2014, LNCS 8783, pp. 104–119, 2014 | EI收录 | 矫琳,张斌,王明生 |
205 | 其他 | Image Retrieval and Ranking via Consistently Reconstructing Multi-attribute Queries | ECCV 2014 | ECCV (1) 2014: 569-583 | EI收录 | Xiaochun Cao, Hua Zhang, Xiaojie Guo, Si Liu, and Xiaowu Chen |
206 | 其他 | Robust Foreground Detection Using Smoothness and Arbitrariness Constraints | ECCV 2014 | ECCV (7) 2014: 535-550 | EI收录 | Xiaojie Guo, Xinggang Wang, Liang Yang, Xiaochun Cao, and Yi Ma |
207 | 其他 | How to Effectively Decrease the Resource Requirement in Template Attack? | IWSEC 2014 | LNCS 8639, pp. 119-133 | EI收录 | Hailong Zhang |
208 | 其他 | A Hierarchical Clustering Method For Big Data Oriented Ciphertext Search | 2014 IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data | p565-570 | EI收录 | Chi Chen, Xiaojie Zhu, Peisong Shen,Jiankun Hu |
209 | 其他 | Optional Multi-biometric Cryptosystem Based on Fuzzy Extractor | 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(FSKD 2014) | p1001-1006 | EI收录 | Chi Chen, Chaogang Wang, Tengfei Yang,Dongdai Lin,Song Wang, Jiankun Hu |
210 | 其他 | Bee-Based IP Traceback | 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(FSKD 2014) | p980-984 | EI收录 | M. Hamedi-Hamzehkolaie,Chi Chen*, Xue Tian,Reza Sanei,Masoud Khalil Nezhad |
211 | 其他 | 基于等级保护的云计算安全防护体系研究 | 第三届全国信息安全等级保护技术大会(获奖论文) | p45-50 | 其他收录 | 陈雪秀,于晶,陈驰,任卫红 |
212 | 其他 | Differential forensics of DC-DM based watermarking | 2014 IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing | 611-615 | EI收录 | 赵险峰,于海波,朱杰,邓永 |
213 | 其他 | Steganography based on adaptive pixel-value differencing scheme revisited | IWDW 2013 /LNCS | LNCS 8389, pp. 32-47 | EI收录 | 张弘,关晴骁,赵险峰 |
214 | 其他 | A Progressive Dual-Rail Routing Repair Approach for FPGA Implementation of Crypto Algorithm |
ISPEC 2014 | LNCS 8434,217-231 | 国际会议 EI | Chenyang Tu(屠晨阳) , #Wei He, Neng Gao(高能) , #Eduardo de la Torre, Zeyi Liu(刘泽义), Limin Liu(刘丽敏) |
215 | 其他 | Modular Inversion Hidden Number Problem Revisited | ISPEC 2014 | LNCS 8434,537-551 | 国际会议 EI | Jun Xu(许军), Lei Hu(胡磊), Zhangjie Huang(黄章杰), Liqiang Peng(彭力强) |
216 | 其他 | Further Improvement of Factoring RSA Moduli with Implicit Hint | AFRICACRYPT 2014 | LNCS 8469,165-177 | 国际会议 EI | Liqiang Peng(彭力强), Lei Hu(胡磊), Jun Xu(许菊), Zhangjie Huang(黄章杰), Yonghong Xie(解永宏) |
217 | 其他 | Partial Key Exposure Attacks on Takagi’s Variant of RSA |
ACNS 2014 | LNCS 8479,134-150 | 国际会议 EI | Zhangjie Huang(黄章杰),Lei Hu(胡磊), Jun Xu(许军), Liqiang Peng(彭力强),Yonghong Xie(解永宏) |
218 | 其他 | Improved Cryptanalysis on Reduced-Round GOST and Whirlpool Hash Function | ACNS 2014 | LNCS 8479,289-307 | 国际会议 EI | Bingke Ma(马冰珂), Bao Li(李宝), Ronglin Hao(郝荣林), Xiaoqian Li(李晓仟) |
219 | 其他 | Remotely Wiping Sensitive Data on Stolen Smartphones | ASIACCS 2014 | 2014,537-542 | 国际会议 EI | Xingjie Yu(余幸杰), Zhan Wang(王展), #Kun Sun(孙坤), Wen Tao Zhu(朱文涛), Neng Gao(高能), Jiwu Jing(荆继武) |
220 | 其他 | MobiHydra: Pragmatic and Multi-Level Plausibly Deniable Encryption Storage for Mobile Devices |
ISC 2014 | 2014 | 国际会议 EI | Xingjie Yuy(余幸杰), #Bo Chen, Zhan Wang(王展), Bing Chang(常冰), Wen Tao Zhu(朱文涛), Jiwu Jing(荆继武) |
221 | 其他 | Related Key Secure PKE from Hash Proof Systems |
IWSEC 2014 | LNCS 8639,2014,250-265 | 国际会议 EI | Dingding Jia(贾仃仃), Bao Li(李宝), Xianhui Lu(路献辉), # Qixiang Mei |
222 | 其他 | Exploiting the Floating-point Computing Power of GPUs for RSA | ISC2014 | LNCS 8783,198 | 国际会议 EI | 郑昉昱,潘无穷,林璟锵,荆继武,赵原 |
223 | 其他 | virtio-ct: A Secure Cryptographic Token Service in Hypervisors | International Workshop on Data Protection in Mobile and Pervasive Computing (DAPRO) in conjunction with SecureComm | 国际会议 | 管乐, #Fengjun Li, 荆继武, 汪婧,马自强 | |
224 | 其他 | EFS: Effcient and Fault-Scalable Byzantine Fault Tolerant Systems against Faulty Clients | Securecomm2014 | 国际会议 | 蔡权伟,林璟锵,#Fengjun Li,王琼霄,査达仁 | |
225 | 其他 | Towards Efficient Update of Access Control Policy for Cryptographic Cloud Storage |
SecureComm2014 | 国际会议 EI | Weiyu Jiang(江伟玉), Zhan Wang(王展), Limin Liu(刘丽敏), Neng Gao(高能) | |
226 | 其他 | The hidden number problem of least significant bits |
WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies | 51,471-479 | 国际会议 EI | Zhenqi Kang(康镇麒), Kewei Lv(吕克伟) |
227 | 其他 | Tighter Security Bound of MIBS Block Cipher against Differential Attack |
NSS 2014 | LNCS 8792,518-525 | 国际会议 EI | Xiaoshuang Ma(马小双), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维), Kexin Qiao(乔珂欣), Jinyong Shan(单进勇) |
228 | 其他 | The classification of quantum symmetric-key encryption protocols | SPIE Photonics Asia 2014 | 国际会议 EI |
Chong Xiang(向憧), Li Yang(杨理), Yong Peng and Dongqing Chen(吴辰苗) | |
229 | 其他 | Interactive identification protocol based on a quantum public-key cryptosystem | SPIE Photonics Asia 2014 | 国际会议 EI |
Chenmiao Wu (吴辰苗)and Li Yang(杨理) | |
230 | 其他 | RootkitDet: Practical End-to-End Defense against Kernel Rootkits in a Cloud Environment | In Computer Security-ESORICS 2014 | LNCS 8712,2014,475-493 | 国际会议 EI |
Zhang, L(张令臣), #Shetty, S., #Liu, P., Jing, J. (荆继武) |
231 | 其他 | TrustCheck:Reliable Memory Acquisition on Smartphones | Computer Security-ESORICS 2014 | LNCS 8712,2014,202-218 | 国际会议 EI |
Sun H(孙赫),#Sun K(孙坤), Wang Y(王跃武), Jing J(荆继武). TrustDump |
232 | 其他 | 移动互联网安全威胁研究进展 | 第29次全国计算机安全学术交流会 | 2014,9,30-33 | 国内会议 | 王学强,雷灵光,王跃武 |
233 | 其他 | 社交网络隐私策略研究 | 全国电子认证技术交流大会 | 2014,185-189 | 国内会议 | 牛莹姣 |
234 | 其他 | Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits from Multilinear Maps |
ISC2014 | LNCS 8783 | 国际会议 EI |
Fei Tang(唐飞), Hongda Li(李红达) and Bei Liang(梁蓓) |
235 | 其他 | Joint Signature and Encryption in the Presence of Continual Leakage |
WISA2014 | 301-312 | 国际会议 EI |
Fei Tang(唐飞) and Hongda Li(李红达) |
236 | 其他 | Automatic Security Evaluation and (Related-key) Differential Characteristic Search: Application to SIMON, PRESENT, LBlock, DES(L) and Other Bit-oriented Block Ciphers | Asiacrypt 2014 | LNCS 8873,158-178 | 国际会议 EI | Siwei Sun(孙思维), Lei Hu(胡磊), Peng Wang(王鹏), Kexin Qiao(乔珂欣), Xiaoshuang Ma(马小双), Ling Song(宋凌) |
237 | 其他 | Error-Tolerant Algebraic Side-Channel Attacks Using BEE | ICICS 2014 | 国际会议 EI |
Ling Song(宋凌), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维), Zhang Zhang,Danping Shi(史丹萍), Ronglin Hao(郝荣林) | |
238 | 其他 | Match Box Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on the SIMON Family of Block Ciphers | Lightsec 2014 | 国际会议 EI |
Ling Song (宋凌), Lei Hu(胡磊), Bingke Ma (马冰珂), Danping Shi(史丹萍) |
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