文章来源: 发布时间:2016-03-10 【字号:
序号 论文类型 论文名称 刊物名称 论文所在期刊的卷、期、页 论文收录类型 论文作者
1 国内重要刊物 具有良好密码学性质的布尔函数的级联构造 密码学报 vol. 1(1), pp. 64-71 其他收录 吴保峰,林东岱
2 国内重要刊物 ElGamal加密方案的KDM安全性 密码学报 Vol.1, No.3, 235-243. 其他收录 常金勇,薛锐,史涛
3 国内重要刊物 OSN中基于分类器和改进n-gram模型的跨站脚本检测方法 计算机应用 2014 Vol. 34 (6): 1661-1665 其他收录 李沁蕾, 王蕊, 贾晓启
4 国内重要刊物 基于文件格式的加密检测模型 第二十四届全国信息保密学术会议/保密科学技术 2014(Z09):201-204 其他收录 何晓磊,赵险峰,吴槟
5 国内重要刊物 一种基于随机性测试的加密通信检测模型 第二十四届全国信息保密学术会议/保密科学技术 2014(Z09):205-209 其他收录 刘磊,程成,于海波,吴槟
6 国内重要刊物 一种基于扩展加减覆盖集的隐写方法 电子学报 42(6): 1168-1172 EI收录 夏冰冰,赵险峰,王明生
7 国内重要刊物 从MH370事件看我国关键基础设施保护 中国信息安全 期6,页98-101 其他收录 王文浩、刘峰、赵倩
8 国内重要刊物 美国网络空间安全教育战略计划 中国信息安全 8,页91-94 其他收录 赵倩、刘峰、林东岱
9 国内重要刊物 Analysis of Two Public Key Cryptosystems Based on Randomized Knapsack Sequences Chinese Journal of Electronics 23,1,175-178 SCI收录 PENG Liqiang(彭力强),# ZUO Jinyin, Hu Lei(胡磊), XU Jun(许军)
10 国内重要刊物 Six Subfamilies of Implementation-Friendly Barreto-Naehrig Curves Chinese Journal of Electronics 23,1,169-174 SCI收录 #CHEN Shan,#ZHANG Xusheng,WANG Kunpeng(王鲲鹏),#LIN Dongdai
11 国内重要刊物 Constant-round zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge with strict polynomial-time extractors for NP Science China Information Science 57,1,012112:1-012112:14 SCI收录 Li Hongda(李红达), Feng Dengguo(冯登国)
12 国内重要刊物 模背包向量问题的实际复杂度与基于格密码体制的实际安全性 密码学报 1,3,225-234 其他收录 彭力强, 胡磊, 黄章杰, 许军
13 国内重要刊物 一种基于行为的Android系统资源访问控制方案 计算机研究与发展 51,5,1028-1038 EI收录 雷灵光,荆继武,王跃武(通信作者),张中文
14 国内重要刊物 RSA/Rabin-Paillier 陷门函数的比特安全性 密码学报 1,3,244-254 其他收录 康镇麒, 吕克伟
15 国内重要刊物 基于可信计算的配电终端密钥管理技术研究 计算机工程与设计 35 其他收录 汪丹
16 国内重要刊物 嵌入式可信计算平台测评系统的设计与实现 计算机与数字工程 42 其他收录  
17 国内重要刊物 一种网页挂马攻击中的重定向混淆检测方法 网络新媒体技术 3 其他收录  
18 国内重要刊物 An Action-Based Fine-Grained Access Control Mechanism for Structured Documents and Its Application The Scientific World Journal 1-13 其他收录 Su Mang , Li Fenghua , Tang Zhi ,Yu Yinyan, Zhou Bo
19 国内重要刊物 CL-TAP: An Efficient Certificateless Based Trusted Access Protocol for WLAN Chinese Journal of Electronics 23,1,142-146 其他收录 MA Zhuo, LI Fenghua, MA Jianfeng and JI Wenjiang
20 国内重要刊物 A full lifecycle privacy protection scheme for sensitive data in cloud computing Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications   其他收录 Jinbo Xiong, Fenghua Li, Jianfeng Ma, Ximeng Liu, Zhiqiang Yao, Patrick S. Chen
21 国内重要刊物 面向网络内容隐私的基于身份加密的安全自毁方案 计算机学报 37,1,139-150 其他收录 熊金波,姚志强,马建峰,李凤华,刘西蒙
22 国内重要刊物 基于属性加密的组合文档安全自毁方案 电子学报 42,1,366-376 其他收录 熊金波,姚志强,马建峰,李凤华,刘西蒙,李琦
23 国内重要刊物 公共云存储服务数据安全及隐私保护技术综述 计算机研究与发展 51,7,1397-1409 其他收录  晖,孙文海,李凤华,王博洋
24 国内重要刊物 基于行为的多级访问控制模型 计算机研究与发展 51,7,1604-1613 其他收录  ,李凤华史国振
25 国内重要刊物 A user-centric data secure creation scheme in cloud computing Chinese Journal of Electronics   其他收录 Su Mang, Li Fenghua, Shi Guozhen, Geng Kui, Xiong Jinbo
26 国内重要刊物 移动互联服务与隐私保护的研究进展 通信学报 11,1-8 其他收录  ,李凤华, , ,孙文海, 
27 国内重要刊物 一种抗隐蔽通道的网络隔离通信方案 通信学报 11,96-97 其他收录 李凤华,谈苗苗, , , 
28 国内重要刊物 A User-based Document Management Mechanism in Cloud International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security  377-381 其他收录 Shi Guozhen, Su Mang, Li Fenghua, Lou Jiapeng ,Qiong Huang
29 国内重要刊物 A Reliable Supervision Model and Implementation for the Trading of Digital Works International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security  484-488 其他收录 Shi Guozhen,  Shen Ying,  Li Fenghua, Su Mang
30 国内重要刊物 Research on Credible Regulation Mechanism for the Trading of Digital Works Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks 484-488 其他收录 Shi Guozhen, Shen Ying, Li Fenghua
31 国内重要刊物 土地利用动态度的跨行政区空间融合方法 地理与地理信息科学 2014,30(4):56-58,72 EI收录 李晓岚,程昌秀,陈驰
32 国内重要刊物 基于决策树的耕地转建设用地的预测与分析 地理与地理信息科学 2014,30(1):60-64 EI收录 崔珂瑾, 程昌秀
33 国内重要刊物 基于逆序二叉树的高效可分电子现金系统 电子与信息学报 36(1):22-26,2014 EI收录 张江霄,郭华, 李舟军
34 国内重要刊物 一个改进的云存储数据完整性验证方案 电子学报 42(1): 150-154, 2014 EI收录 周恩光,李舟军,郭华,贾仰理
35 国内重要刊物 一种利用先验信息的可见光域相干衍射成像方法 中国科学院大学学报 31(6): 739(2014) 其他收录 高乾坤,史祎诗*,王雅丽,李拓,雷晨,乔亮
36 国内重要刊物 带消息填充的29步SM3算法原根和伪碰撞攻击 通信学报  35(2), pp. 40-45,2014 EI收录 王高丽*,申延召
37 国内重要刊物 对J-PAKE协议的密码学分析 密码学报 2014年, 第1卷, 第5期 其他收录 温伟强, 王立斌*, 马昌社
38 国内重要刊物 一种基于可信计算技术的源代码安全审查模型 信息网络安全 2014(10): 1-6 其他收录 张毅, 王伟*, 王刘程, 郝美慈
39 国内重要刊物 快速最小生成树Sollin求解算法 信息网络安全 2014(7): 87-91 其他收录 张毅, 顾逸圣, 王伟*
40 国内重要刊物 一种变容量的自嵌入图像易碎水印算法 计算机研究与发展, 2014 51(11): 2505-2512 EI收录 巩道福, 刘粉林, 罗向阳
41 国内重要刊物 基于矩阵编码和多重水印的JPEG图像块级认证算法 电子科技大学学报, 2014 43(3): 425-431 EI收录 巩道福, 刘粉林, 罗向阳, 汪萍
42 国内重要刊物 基于随机路径点移动模型的MANET容量及延迟分析 北京科技大学学报 2014年第10期 EI收录 王晓菲, 蔡英*, 范艳芳
43 国内重要刊物 安全协议形式化分析工具比较研究 2014年安全协议进展国际会议;密码学报   其他收录 陆思奇, 程庆丰*, 赵进华
44 国内重要刊物 An adaptive formal modeling and analysis schema for security protocols ChinaCrypt’14 2014.8 其他收录 Dan Fan*, Yuqing Zhang
45 国内重要刊物 异构无线网络中基于自更新哈希链的不可否认性计费协议 计算机科学 2014 其他收录 陈守国,付安民*,秦宁元
46 国内重要刊物 LTE/LTE-A网络中基于盲签名的具有条件隐私保护的切换认证协议 计算机科学 2014 其他收录 秦宁元,付安民*,陈守国
47 国内重要刊物 基于AVISPA 的快速切换认证协议FHAM 的安全建模与检测 信息网络安全 2014,05:21-25 其他收录 秦宁元,付安民*,陈守国
48 国内重要刊物 An Effective Differential Fault Analysis on the Serpent Cryptosystem in the Internet of Things China Communications 11(6), pp.129–139, 2014 SCI、EI收录 W. Li, Z. Tao, D. Gu, L. Sun, B. Qu, Z. Liu, Y. Liu
49 国内重要刊物 可否认的基于属性的指定证实人签名方案 计算机应用研究 2014年1月 其他收录 任燕,唐春明*
50 国内重要刊物 基于属性的指定证实人签名方案 广州大学学报 2014年6月 其他收录 任燕,唐春明*
51 国内重要刊物 计算量和密文长度恒定的基于属性的加密 中国密码学会2014年会(ChinaCrypt’14) 2014.08.28-30, pp. 244-252, 郑
州, 2014
其他收录 张应辉*, 郑东, 陈晓峰, 李进, 李晖
52 国内重要刊物 密文长度恒定且属性直接可撤销的基于属性的加密 密码学报 1(5): 465-480, 2014 其他收录 张应辉*,郑东,李进,李晖
53 国内重要刊物 基于辨识性统计特征的PQ隐密图像识别算法 通信学报, 2014 Accepted EI期刊 卢记仓, 刘粉林, 罗向阳, 张轶
54 国内重要刊物 融合门限公钥加密和指数纠删码的安全云存储模型研究 2014中国未来网络发展与创新论坛   其他收录 徐剑, 周福才, 韩健, 李明洁,薛锐
55 国外重要刊物 CCA-Secure IB-KEM from Identity-Based Extractable Hash Proof System Computer Journal  57(10): 1537-1556 (2014) SCI收录 Yu Chen, Zongyang Zhang, Dongdai Lin, Zhenfu Cao
56 国外重要刊物 PRE: Stronger Security Notions and Efficient Construction with Non-interactive Opening Theoretical Computer Science Vol.542, 2014, pp.1-16 SCI收录 Jiang Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yu Chen.
57 国外重要刊物 The compositional inverse of a class of linearized permutation polynomials over F2n, n odd Finite Fields and Their Applications vol. 29, pp. 34-48 SCI收录 Baofeng Wu
58 国外重要刊物 A note on two classes of Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity Journal of Systems Science & Complexity vol. 27, pp. 785-794 SCI收录 Baofeng Wu, Zhuojun Liu, Qingfang Jin, Xiaoming Zhang
59 国外重要刊物 An Enhanced Password-based Group Key Agreement Protocol with Constant Rounds APPLIED MATHEMATICS & INFORMATION SCIENCES : 8  : 5  : 2589-2594 SCI收录 Yuan, Wei; Hu, Liang
60 国外重要刊物 On the security against nonadaptive chosen ciphertext attack and key-dependent message attack IEICE Trans. Fundamentals. Vol. E97-A, No.11, 2267-2271 SCI收录 Jinyong Chang, Rui Xue
61 国外重要刊物 General construction of chameleon all-but-one trapdoor functions and their applications Journal of Software Vol.9, No.10, 2557-2563 其他收录 Jinyong Chang, Rui Xue
62 国外重要刊物 Environment-Bound SAML Assertions: A Fresh Approach to Enhance the Security of SAML Assertions Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8567,pp 361-376 EI收录 Kai Chen, Dongdai Lin, Li Yan, Xin Sun
63 国外重要刊物 Camera Control in Multi-Camera Systems for Video Quality Enhancement IEEE Sensors Journal Vol. 14, No.9, pp. 2955-2966, 2014 SCI收录 Jianghua Zhong, W.Batiaan Kleijn, Xiaoming Hu
64 国外重要刊物 Video steganography with perturbed macroblock partition ACM IH and MMSec  115-122 EI收录 张弘,曹纭,赵险峰
65 国外重要刊物 Constructing differentially 4-uniform permutations over GF(2^{2m}) from quadratic APN permutations over GF(2^{2m+1}) Designs Codes and Cryptography  Volume: 72, Issue: 2, Page(s): 249–264, 2014 SCI收录 李永强,王明生
66 国外重要刊物 A Matrix Approach for Constructing Quadratic APN Functions Designs Codes and Cryptography Volume: 73, Issue: 2, Page(s): 587–600, 2014 SCI收录 余玉银,王明生,李永强
67 国外重要刊物 Machine Learning based Cross-site Scripting Detection in Online Social Network The 6th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security pp835-838 EI收录 Rui Wang, Xiaoqi Jia, Qinlei Li, Shengzhi Zhang
68 国外重要刊物 Distribution Properties of compressing sequences derived from primitive sequences modulo odd prime powers IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Vol.60, No. 10, 6602-6608 SCI收录 Yupeng Jiang,Dongdai Liin
69 国外重要刊物 Generalized Fourier transform and the joint N- adic complexity of a multisequence IEICE Transcations on Fundamentals of Electronics,
Communications and Computer Sciences
vol.E9-A, No.9, pp: 1982-1986 SCI收录 杨名慧,林东岱,光炫
70 国外重要刊物 Minimum linear complexity approximation of sequences with period q^n-1   over  Fq IEICE Transcations on Fundamentals of Electronics,Communications and Computer Sciences vol. E97-A, No.12, pp: 2267-2270 SCI收录 杨名慧,林东岱,施敏加
71 国外重要刊物 Feature Selection with Spatial Path Coding for Multimedia Analysis Information Sciences 281: 523-535 (2014) SCI收录 Yahong Han, Jingjing Chen, Xiaochun Cao, Congfu Xu, and Haoquan Shen
72 国外重要刊物 Augmenting Image Descriptions Using Structured Prediction Output IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 16(6): 1665-1676 (2014) SCI收录 Yahong Han, Xingxing Wei, Xiaochun Cao, Yi Yang, Xiaofang Zhou
73 国外重要刊物 Self-adaptively Weighted Co-saliency Detection via Rank Constraint IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23(9): 4175-4186 (2014) SCI收录 Xiaochun Cao, Zhiqiang Tao, Bao Zhang, Huazhu Fu, and Wei Feng
74 国外重要刊物 Lip Segmentation under MAP-MRF Framework with Automatic Selection of Local Observation Scale and Number of Segments IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23(8): 3397-3411 (2014) SCI收录 Yiu-ming Cheung, Meng Li, Xiaochun Cao, and Xinge You
75 国外重要刊物 Regularity Preserved Superpixels and Supervoxels IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 16(4): 1165-1175 (2014) SCI收录 Huazhu Fu, Xiaochun Cao, Dai Tang, Yahong Han, and Dong Xu
76 国外重要刊物 Symmetry Constraint for Foreground Extraction IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 44(5): 644-654 (2014) SCI收录 Huazhu Fu, Xiaochun Cao, Zhuowen Tu, and Dongdai Lin
77 国外重要刊物 Quadratic Tsallis Entropy Bias and generalized Maximum Entropy Models Computational Intelligence 30(2): 233-262 (2014) SCI收录 Yuexian Hou, Bo Wang, Dawei Song, Xiaochun Cao, Wenjie Li
78 国外重要刊物 Video Color Conceptualization using Optimization Science China Information Sciences 57(7): 1-11 (2014) SCI收录 Xiaochun Cao, Yujie Zhang, Xiaojie Guo, and Yiu-ming Cheung
79 国外重要刊物 Action recognition using 3D DAISY descriptor Machine Vision and Applications 25(1): 159-171 (2014) SCI收录 Xiaochun Cao, Hua Zhang, Chao Deng, Qiguang Liu, and Hanyu Liu
80 国外重要刊物 An Improved Twisted Ate Pairing over KSS Curves with $k=18$ Pairing2012/LNCS LNCS 7708, pp. 35–45, 2013. EI收录 陈珊 王鲲鹏 林东岱
81 国外重要刊物 Six Subfamilies of Implementation-Friendly Barreto-Naehrig Curves Chinese Journal of Electronics Vol.23, No.1, Jan. 2014 SCI收录 陈珊 张旭升 王鲲鹏 林东岱
82 国外重要刊物 Omega Pairing on Hyperelliptic Curves Inscrypt 2013/LNCS LNCS 8567, pp. 167–184, 2014. EI收录 陈珊 王鲲鹏 林东岱
83 国外重要刊物 Role-based and time-bound access and management of EHR data Security and Communication Networks 2014, 7: 994-1015 SCI收录 Rui Zhang, Ling Liu, Rui Xue
84 国外重要刊物 On the Negative Effects of Trend Noise and Its Applications in Side-Channel Cryptanalysis. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS Vol.23,No.2,April 2014,p366-370 SCI收录 Cao Yuchen,Zhou Yongbin,Yu Zhenmei
85 国外重要刊物 On hardening leakage resilience of random extractors for instantiations of leakage-resilient cryptographic primitives Information Sciences Inf. Sci. 271: 213-223 (2014) SCI收录 Danyang Chen, Yongbin Zhou, Yang Han, Rui Xue, Qing He
86 国外重要刊物 Securing Body Sensor Networks with Biometric Methods:A New Key Negotiation Method and a Key Sampling Method for Linear Interpolation Encryption International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks p1-11 SCI收录 Huawei Zhao,Chi Chen,Jiankun Hu,Jing Qin
87 国外重要刊物 On the linear complexity of Legendre sequences over GF(q) IEICE E97-A, 7, 1627-1630 SCI收录 王秋艳 林东岱 光玄
88 国外重要刊物 On the linear complexty of new modified Jacobi sequences IEICE E97-A, 11, 2263-2266 SCI收录 王秋艳 姜宇鹏 林东岱 光玄
89 国外重要刊物 k out of k extended visual cryptography scheme by random grids Signal Processing (Elsevier) volume 94, pages 90–101 SCI收录 Teng Guo, Feng Liu, Chuankun Wu
90 国外重要刊物 ESSVCS: An Enriched Secret Sharing Visual Cryptography Springer Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security LNCS 8363, pages 1-24 EI收录 Feng Liu, Weiqi Yan, Peng Li, Chuankun Wu
91 国外重要刊物 Flexible Visual Cryptography Scheme Without Distortion and Its Application Springer Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security LNCS 8363, pages 110-130 EI收录 Feng Liu, Teng Guo, Chuankun Wu, Ching-Nung Yang.
92 国外重要刊物 Constructing new differentially 4-uniform permutations from the inverse function Finite Fields and Their Applications 2014,25,64-78 SCI收录  Zhengbang Zha(查正邦), Lei Hua(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维)
93 国外重要刊物 Cryptanalysis of two cryptosystems based on multiple
intractability assumptions
IET Communications 8,14,2433-2437 SCI收录 Jun Xu(许军), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维)
94 国外重要刊物 Cryptanalysis of Countermeasures Against Multiple Transmission Attacks on NTRU IET Communications 8,12,2142-2146 SCI收录 Jun Xu(许军), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维),Yonghong Xie(解永宏)
95 国外重要刊物 Publishing and sharing encrypted data with potential friends in online social networks Security and Communication Networks 7,2,409-421 SCI收录 Huimin. Shuai (帅慧敏) and Wen Tao Zhu (朱文涛)
96 国外重要刊物 Cryptographic Properties of Nested Functions and Algebraic Immunity of the Boolean Function in Hitag2 Stream Cipher Cryptography and Communications - Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences 6,3,233-254 SCI收录 Jinyong Shan(单进勇), Lei Hu(胡磊), Xiangyong Zeng
97 国外重要刊物 New constructions of APN polynomial functions in odd characteristic Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (AAECC) 25,4,249-263 SCI收录 Zhengbang Zha(查正邦), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维), Yao Sun
98 国外重要刊物 Projective Interpolation of Polynomial Vectors and Improved Key Recovery Attack on SFLASH Designs, Codes and Cryptography 73,3,719-730 SCI收录 Weiwei Cao(曹巍巍), Lei Hu(胡磊)
99 国外重要刊物 Schemes for remotely preparing an arbitrary four-qubit chi-state Quantum Information Processing 2014, 13 (9): 1951-1965 SCI收录 S. Y. Ma, M. X. Luo, X. B. Chen, and Y. X. Yang
100 国外重要刊物 Joint remote preparation of an arbitrary two-qubit state in noisy environments International Journal of Theoretical Physics 2014, 53: 2236-2245 SCI收录 X. W. Guan, X. B. Chen, L. C. Wang, and Y. X. Yang
101 国外重要刊物 Quantum secret sharing for general access structures based on multiparticle entanglements Quantum Information Processing 2014, 13 (2): 429-443 SCI收录 M. M. Wang, X. B. Chen, and Y. X. Yang
102 国外重要刊物 Quantum state sharing of arbitrary known multi-qubit and multi-qudit states International Journal of Quantum Information 2014, 13 (3): 1450014 SCI收录 M. M. Wang, X. B. Chen, J. G. Chen, and Y. X. Yang
103 国外重要刊物 Robust variations of secret sharing through noisy quantum channel Quantum Information & Computation 2014, 14 (7): 0589-0607 SCI收录 X. B. Chen, G. Xu, Y. Su, and Y. X. Yang
104 国外重要刊物 Multi-party quantum state sharing of an arbitrary multi-qubit state via chi-type entangled states Quantum Information Processing 2014, 13 (9): 2081-2098 SCI收录 S. Y. Kang, X. B. Chen, and Y. X. Yang
105 国外重要刊物 Asymmetric Quantum Information Splitting of an Arbitrary N -qubit State via GHZ-like State and Bell States International Journal of Theoretical Physics 2014, 53 (6): 1848-1861 SCI收录 S. Y. Kang, X. B. Chen, and Y. X. Yang
106 国外重要刊物 A class of protocols for quantum private comparison based on the symmetry of states Quantum Information Processing 2014, 13 (1): 85-100 SCI收录 X. B. Chen, Z. Dou, G. Xu, C. Wang, and Y. X. Yang
107 国外重要刊物 Efficient and feasible quantum private comparison of equality against the collective amplitude damping noise Quantum Information Processing 2014, 13 (1): 101-112 SCI收录 X. B. Chen, Y. Su, X. X. Niu, and Y. X. Yang
108 国外重要刊物 Typical universal entanglers Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 2014, 57 (10): 1913-1917 SCI收录 F. Wang, M. X. Luo, X. B. Chen, Y. X. Yang, and X. J. Wang
109 国外重要刊物 Hyperentanglement concentration for n-photon 2n-qubit systems with linear optics Journal of the Optical Society of America B 2014, 31 (1): 67-74 SCI收录 M. X. Luo, X. B. Chen, Y. X. Yang, Z. G. Qu, and X. Wang
110 国外重要刊物 Quantum State Secure Transmission in Network Communications Information Sciences 2014, 276 (8): 363-376 SCI收录 X. B. Chen, Y. Su, G. Xu, and Y. X. Yang
111 国外重要刊物 Affiliation-hiding Authenticated Asymmetric Group Key Agreement based on short signature The Computer Journal 2014,57(10):1580-1590 SCI收录 Chang Xu, Hua Guo, Zhoujun Li,Yi Mu
112 国外重要刊物 Cryptanalysis of a three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol International Journal of Network Security 16(5), pp.393-396, 2014 EI收录 Debiao He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianhua Chen
113 国外重要刊物 Cryptanalysis and improvement of an anonymous authentication protocol for wireless access networks Wireless Personal Communication 74(2), pp. 229-243, 2014 SCI收录 Debiao He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianhua Chen
114 国外重要刊物 A diffraction model of direction multiplexing for hiding multiple images Journal of Modern Optics 61(14), 1127-1132 (2014) SCI收录 Zhengjun Liu, Jiubin Tan, Wei Liu, Jingjing Wu, Qun Wu, Shutian Liu
115 国外重要刊物 Autocorrelation of two Legendre-Sidelnikov sequences The Journal of China Universities of Posts and  Telecommunications 2014, 21(5):83-88 其他收录 XIE Jia*, GAO Jun-tao, YUE Zhao, LI Xue-lian
116 国外重要刊物 The independent of subgroup states International Journal of Theoretical Physics September 2014, Volume 53, Issue 9, pp 3124-3134 EI收录 罗明星*
117 国外重要刊物 Geometry of quantum computation with qudits Scientific Reports 2014, 4, 4044 SCI收录 罗明星*, Xiubo Chen, Yixian Yang, Xiaojun Wang
118 国外重要刊物 Parallel Photonic Quantum Computation Assisted by Quantum Dots in One-Side Optical Microcavities Scientific Reports 2014, 4,5732 SCI收录 罗明星* & Xiaojun Wang
119 国外重要刊物 Optical encryption of unlimited-size-image based on ptychographic scanning digital holography App. Opt. 53(21), 4700(2014) SCI收录 Q. Gao, Y. Wang, T. Li, Y. Shi*
120 国外重要刊物 Ptychographical imaging algorithm based on illuminating beam matched with rotational phase encoding Acta Phys. Sin 63(16):164204 (2014) SCI收录 Z. Wang, Y. Wang, T. Li, Y. Shi*
121 国外重要刊物 iCruiser: An Improved Approach for Concurrent Heap Buffer Overflow Monitoring IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2014 E97D(3):601-605 SCI收录 Donghai Tian*, Xuanya Li, Mo Chen, Changzhen Hu
122 国外重要刊物 A Virtualization-based Approach for Application Whitelisting IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, 2014 E97D(6):1648-1651 SCI收录 Donghai Tian*, Jingfeng Xue, Changzhen Hu, Xuanya Li
123 国外重要刊物 Defeating Buffer Overflow Attacks via Virtualization Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2014 40(6):1940-1950 (2014) SCI收录 Donghai Tian*, Xi Xiong, Changzhen Hu, Peng Liu
124 国外重要刊物 Practical collision attack on 40-step RIPEMD-128 CT-RSA 2014 LNCS 8366, pp. 444-460, 2014 EI收录 Gaoli Wang*
125 国外重要刊物 (Pseudo-) preimage attacks on step-reduced HAS-160 and RIPEMD-160 ISC 2014 LNCS 8783, pp. 90-107, 2014 EI收录 Gaoli Wang*, Yanzhao Shen
126 国外重要刊物 Insecurity of ‘Improved Anonymous Multi-Receiver Identity-Based Encryption’  The Computer Journal 57(4), 2014, pp.636-638 SCI、EI收录 Huaqun Wang
127 国外重要刊物 Signer-admissible strong designated verifier signature from bilinear pairings Security and Communication Networks 7,2014,pp.422-428 SCI、EI收录 Huaqun Wang
128 国外重要刊物 Reachability Analysis of Cost-Reward Timed Automata for Energy Efficiency Scheduling The 2014 International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores (PMAN 2014), in conjunction with PPoPP 2014, Orlando, Florida, USA February 15-19, 2014 EI收录 Wei Wang*, Dong Guo, Guosun Zeng, et al.
129 国外重要刊物 SKM: Scalable Key Management for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in Smart Grids IEEE Trans. Industrial Electronics 61(12): 7055-7066 (2014) SCI、EI收录 Zhiguo Wan*, Guilin Wang, Yanjiang Yang and Shenxing shi
130 国外重要刊物 Selection of Image Features for Steganalysis Based on the Fisher Criterion Digital Investigation, 2014 11(1): 57-66 SCI收录 Jicang Lu, Fenlin Liu, Xiangyang Luo
131 国外重要刊物 Recognizing F5-like Stego Images from Multi-Class Stego Images KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2014 8(11)4153-4169(2014) EI收录 Jicang Lu, Fenlin Liu, Xiangyang Luo
132 国外重要刊物 Several classes of complete permutation polynomials Finite Fields and Their Applications Vol. 25, no.1, pp.182-193, Jan. 2014 SCI、EI收录 Ziran Tu, 曾祥勇*, Lei Hu
133 国外重要刊物 The properties of a class of linear FSRs and their applications to the construction of nonlinear FSRs IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Vol.60, No.5, pp. 3052-3061, May 2014 SCI、EI收录 Chaoyun Li, 曾祥勇*, Tor Helleseth, Chunlei Li, Lei Hu
134 国外重要刊物 Cryptographic properties of nested functions and algebraic immunity of the Boolean function in Hitag2 stream cipher Cryptography and Communications - Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences Vol. 6, no.3, pp.233-254, Sept. 2014 SCI、EI收录 Jinyong Shan*, Lei Hu, 曾祥勇
135 国外重要刊物 The weight distributions of two classes of p-ary cyclic codes Finite Fields and Their Applications Vol.29, pp. 202-224, Sept. 2014 SCI、EI收录 Dabin Zheng*, Xiaoqiang Wang, Lei Hu, 曾祥勇
136 国外重要刊物 Cryptanalysis and Improvement of the Controlled Quantum Secure Direct Communication by Using Four Particle Cluster States Int J Theor Phys  2014,53(5): 1495 -1501 SCI、EI收录 Zhenchao ZHU, AiQun HU and AnMin FU
137 国外重要刊物 A Novel Hybrid Incentive Mechanism for Node Cooperation in Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 2014,29(3): 316-336 EI收录 X. Wang, Y. Cai*, Z. Li
138 国外重要刊物 Survey on Cooperation Incentive Mechanisms in MANETs Applied Mechanics and Materials 2014,513-517: 1811-1818 EI收录 X. Wang, Y. Cai*, Z. Li
139 国外重要刊物 Security Weakness of Two Identity-Based Multiple Key Agreement Protocols In Proc. of ICT’14, Nanjing, China: IET, 2014 498-502 EI收录 Q. F. Cheng*, J. H. Zhao, S. Q. Lu
140 国外重要刊物 A Privacy Preserving Vertical Handover Authentication Scheme for WiMAX-WiFi Networks KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems vol.8, no. 9, pp. 3250-3265,  September 2014 SCI、EI收录 Anmin Fu*, Gongxuan Zhang, Yan Yu, and Zhenchao Zhu
141 国外重要刊物 High-capacity Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Prediction Error Signal Processing 2014, 104: 387-400 SCI、EI收录 Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun
142 国外重要刊物 The Complexity and Randomness of Linear Multi-Secret Sharing Schemes with Non-Threshold Structures Acta Mathematicae Applicate Sinica 30(4)1073-1084(2014) SCI收录 Chunming Tang*, Shuguang Dai
143 国外重要刊物 Construction of Multiplicative Monotone Span Program Journal of Computational Information Systems 10(20)8703-8713(2014) EI收录 Yuenai Chen, Chunming Tang*
144 国外重要刊物 An Improved Skip List for Relational Query Authentication  Proc of BWCCA 2014  Proc of BWCCA 2014 其他收录 Jian Xu, Ze Cao, Qiong Xiao, Fucai Zhou
145 国外重要刊物 The electronic cash system based on non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2014 DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2014.933816 EI收录 Fucai Zhou, Yuxi Li, Qingshi Zhou, Jingwei Miao , Jian Xu
146 国外重要刊物 Quantum cryptographic algorithm for color images using quantum Fourier transform and double random-phase encoding  Information Sciences 277,445-457(2014)  SCI、EI收录 Yu-Guang Yang, Xin Jia, Si-Jia Sun, Pan Qing-Xiang
147 国外重要刊物 Analysis and improvement of the dynamic watermarking scheme for quantum images using quantum wavelet transform Quantum Information Processing 13,1931-1936(2014) SCI、EI收录 Yu-Guang Yang, Peng Xu, Ju Tian, Hua Zhang
148 国外重要刊物 Secure quantum private query with real-time security check Optik 125, 5538-5541 (2014) SCI、EI收录 Yu-Guang Yang, Si-Jia Sun, Ju Tian, Peng Xu
149 国外重要刊物 Quantum oblivious transfer with an untrusted third party Optik 125,5409-5413(2014) SCI、EI收录 Yu-Guang Yang, Peng Xu, Ju Tian, Hua Zhang
150 国外重要刊物 Improved security of a dynamic remote data possession checking protocol for cloud storage Expert Syst. Appl. 41(17): 7789-7796 (2014) SCI、EI收录 Yong Yu, Jianbing Ni*, Man Ho Au, Hongyu Liu, Hua Wang, Chunxiang Xu
151 国外重要刊物 Improvement of a Remote Data Possession Checking Protocol from Algebraic Signatures ISPEC 2014 359-372 EI收录 Yong Yu*, Jianbing Ni, Jian Ren, Wei Wu, Lanxiang Chen, Qi Xia
152 国外重要刊物 LR-FEAD: leakage-tolerating and attribute-hiding functional encryption mechanism with delegation in affine subspaces The Journal of Supercomputing 70(3): 1405-1432 (2014) SCI收录 Mingwu Zhang, Chunzhi Wang, Kirill Morozov
153 国外重要刊物 ACP-lrFEM: Functional Encryption Mechanism with Automatic Control Policy in the Presence of Key Leakage ISPEC'14 LNCS 8434, pp. 481–495, 2014 EI收录 Mingwu Zhang
154 国外重要刊物 New model and construction of ABE: achieving key resilient-leakage and attribute direct-revocation ACISP'14 LNCS 8544, pp. 192–208, 2014 EI收录 Mingwu Zhang
155 国外重要刊物 Key continual-leakage resilient broadcast cryptosystem from dual system in broadcast networks Frontiers of Computer Science 8(3): 456-468 (2014) EI收录 Mingwu Zhang, Yi Mu
156 国外重要刊物 Computationally Efficient Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Constant-Size Ciphertexts The 8th International Conference on Provable Security (ProvSec’14) 8782:259-273(2014) EI收录 Yinghui Zhang*, Dong Zheng, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Hui Li
157 国外重要刊物 Generic Construction for Secure
and Efficient Handoff Authentication Schemes in EAP-based Wireless Networks
Computer Networks Volume 75, Part A, 192-211, 2014 其他收录 Yinghui Zhang*, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Hui Li
158 国外重要刊物 Attribute-Based Data Sharing with Flexible and Direct Revocation in Cloud Computing KSII
Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2014.
8(11):4028-4049(2014) EI收录 Yinghui Zhang*, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li, Hui Li, Fenghua Li
159 国外重要刊物 Privacy-Aware Attribute-Based PHR Sharing with User Accountability in Cloud Computing The Journal of Supercomputing 1-13, 2014 EI收录 Fatos Xhafa*, Jianglang Feng, Yinghui Zhang, Xiaofeng Chen, Jin Li
160 国外重要刊物 Key Policy Attribute-Based Proxy Re-encryption and RCCA Secure Scheme Journal of Internet Services and
Information Security
4(2): 70-82, 2014 其他收录 Keying Li*, Jianfeng Wang, Yinghui Zhang, Hua Ma
161 国外重要刊物 Identity-Based Encryption Secure against Selective Opening Chosen-Ciphertext Attack EUROCRYPT 2014 EUROCRYPT 2014: 77-92 EI收录 Junzuo Lai, Robert H. Deng, Shengli Liu, Jian Weng, Yunlei Zhao
162 国外重要刊物 All-but-One Dual Projective Hashing and Its Applications ACNS 2014 8479 ACNS 2014: 181-198 EI收录 Zongyang Zhang, Yu Chen, Sherman S. M. Chow, Goichiro Hanaoka, Zhenfu Cao, Yunlei Zhao
163 国外重要刊物 Extended Capabilities for XOR-Based Visual Cryptography IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2014, 9(10): 1592-1605 EI收录 Xiaotian Wu, Wei Sun
164 国外重要刊物 Privacy-Preserving Authenticated Key-Exchange Over Internet IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security  9(1): 125-140 (2014) EI收录 Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, Yunlei Zhao
165 国外重要刊物 Attribute-Based Signature Schemes with Accountability International Journal of Information and Communication Technology   其他收录 任燕,唐春明*
166 国外重要刊物 Robust biometrics-based authentication scheme for multi-server environment IEEE Systems Journal DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2014.2301517, 2014 SCI, IF: 1.746 Debiao He, Ding Wang
167 国外重要刊物 Muhammad Khurram Khan. Robust anonymous authentication protocol for healthcare applications using wireless medical sensor networks Multimedia Systems DOI: 10.1007/s00530-013-0346-9, 2014 SCI, IF: 0.443 Debiao He, Neeraj Kumar*
168 国外重要刊物 Robust biometric-based user authentication scheme for wireless sensor networks Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks  accepted SCI, IF: 0.478 Debiao He, Yuanyuan Zhang, Jianhua Chen
169 国外重要刊物 Joint encryption and compressed sensing in smart grid data transmission Globecom2014, Austin, USA 2014.12.08-2014.12.12 其他收录 Juntao Gao*, Xiuming Zhang, Hao Liang and Xuemin(Sherman) Shen
170 国外重要刊物 Identity-Based Distributed Provable Data Possession in Multi-Cloud Storage IEEE Transactions on Services Computing doi: 10.1109/TSC.2014.1 其他收录 Huaqun Wang
171 国外重要刊物 Control Cloud Data Access Privilege and Anonymity With Fully Anonymous Attribute Based Encryption Accepted by IEEE Trans. Information Forensics, 2014   其他收录 T. Jung*, X.-Y. Li, Zhiguo Wan, and M. Wan
172 国外重要刊物 Steganalysis of PQ Based on the Difference Between Absolute Coefficient Histograms in Contributing Mode Pairs Journal of Multimedia, 2014 Accepted EI期刊 Yi Zhang, Fenlin Liu, Xiangyang Luo, Jicang Lu
173 国外重要刊物 Two classes of permutation poynomials having the form (x^{2^m}+x+\delta)^s+x Finite Fields and Their Applications Vol. 31, pp. 12-24, Jan. 2015 其他收录 Ziran Tu, 曾祥勇*, Yupeng Jiang
174 国外重要刊物 The weight distributions of a class of non-primitive cyclic codes with two nonzeros Science China Mathematics Doi: 10.1007/s11425-014-4888-x 其他收录 Dabin Zheng*, Fengli Zhou, Lei Hu, 曾祥勇
175 国外重要刊物 The weight distribution of a family of p-ary cyclic codes Designs, Codes and Cryptography Doi 10.1007/s10623-013-9908-2 其他收录 Dabin Zheng*, Xiaoqiang Wang, 曾祥勇, Lei Hu
176 国外重要刊物 Two constructions of balanced Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity, high nonlinearity and good behavior against fast algebraic attacks Designs, Codes and Cryptography DOI 10.1007/s10623-014-9949-1 其他收录 Jiao Li, Claude Carlet, 曾祥勇*, Chunlei Li, Lei Hu, Jinyong Shan
177 国外重要刊物 Enhanced Boolean functions suitable for the filter model of pseudo-random generator Designs, Codes, and Cryptography Accepted to be published. Published Online 其他收录 C. Carlet, D. Tang*
178 国外重要刊物 A lower bound on the average Hamming correlation of frequency-hopping sequence sets Adv. Math. Communi accepted to be published 其他收录 A. X. Zhang, Z.C. Zhou *, and K. Q. Feng
179 国外重要刊物 Non-expansible XOR-based visual cryptography scheme with meaningful shares Signal processing accepted, 2014-10-08 其他收录 Duanhao Ou, Wei Sun, Xiaotian Wu
180 国外重要刊物 High payload image steganography with minimum distortion based on absolute moment block truncation coding [J] Multimedia Tools and Applications accepted, 2014-04-27 其他收录 Duanhao Ou, Wei Sun
181 国外重要刊物 Improved Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers with Shorter Public Keys International Journal of Security and Its Applications 接收 其他收录 Can Xiang, Chunming Tang*
182 国外重要刊物 Verifiable and Secure Outsourcing Scheme of Exponentiations and its Application in Wireless Sensor Network International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 接收 其他收录  Can Xiang, Chunming Tang*
183 国外重要刊物 Securely Verifiable Outsourcing schemes of Matrix Calculation International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 接收 其他收录 Can Xiang, Chunming Tang*
184 国外重要刊物 Two classes of permutation polynomials having the form (x2m+x+δ)s+x Finite Fields and Their
Volume 31, January 2015, Pages 12–24 其他收录 Tu Ziran, Zeng Xiangyong, Jiang Yupeng
185 国外重要刊物 On algebraic properties of S-boxes designed by means of disjoint linear codes International Journal of Computer Mathematics DOI:10.1080/00207160.2014.988148 其他收录 Yongzhuang Wei, Wenbin Yin,Fengrong Zhang, Enes Pasalic
186 国外重要刊物 The higher-order meet-in-the-middle attack and its application to the Camellia block cipher Theoretical Computer Science 527, (2014), pp.102–122 其他收录 Jiqiang Lu, Yongzhuang Wei, Jongsung Kimd, Enes Pasalice
187 国外重要刊物 Public key encryption with delegated equality test in a multi-user setting Computer Journal DOI: 10.1093/ comjnl/bxu026, 2014 其他收录 Sha Ma, Mingwu Zhang, Qiong Huang and Bo Yang
188 国外重要刊物 Quantum Oblivious Transfer Based on a Quantum Symmetrically Private Information Retrieval Protocol International Journal of Theoretical Physic   其他收录 Yu-Guang Yang, Si-Jia Sun, Yan Wang
189 其他 Robust Separation of Reflection from Multiple Images IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, CCF A) 2014, pages: 2195-2202 EI收录 Xiaojie Guo (郭晓杰), Xiaochun Cao and Yi Ma
190 其他 Robust Foreground Detection Using Smoothness and Arbitrariness Constraints European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV, CCF B) 2014, pages: 535-550 EI收录 Xiaojie Guo (郭晓杰), Xinggang Wang, Liang Yang, Xiaochun Cao and Yi Ma
191 其他 Speeding Up Low Rank Matrix Recovery for Foreground Separation in Surveillance Videos IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME, CCF B) 2014, pages: 1-6 EI收录 Xiaojie Guo (郭晓杰), Xiaochun Cao
192 其他 Sakai-Ohgishi-Kasahara Non-Interactive Identity- Based Key Exchange Scheme, Revisited The 19th Australasian Conference on Information Secu- rity and Privacy, ACISP 2014 LNCS 8544, pp. 274-289 EI收录 Yu Chen, Qiong Huang, Zongyang Zhang
193 其他 Publicly Evaluable Pseudorandom Functions and Their Applications The 9th Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks, SCN 2014 LNCS 8642, pp.115- 134 EI收录 Yu Chen, Zongyang Zhang
194 其他 All-but-One Dual Projective Hashing and Its Applications The 12th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, ACNS 2014 LNCS 8479, pp.181-198 EI收录 Zongyang Zhang, Yu Chen, Sherman S.M. Chow, Goichiro Hanaoka, Zhenfu Cao, Yunlei Zhao
195 其他 Black-Box Separations for One-More (Static) CDH and Its Generalization ASIACRYPT  2014 LNCS 8874, pp. 366-385 EI收录 Jiang Zhang, Zhenfeng Zhang, Yu Chen, Yanfei Guo, Zongyang Zhang
196 其他 New classes of quadratic bent functions in polynomial forms 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proc. ISIT 2014, pp. 1832-1836 EI收录 Baofeng Wu
197 其他 Constructing Boolean functions with potentially optimal algebraic immunity based on additive decompositions of finite fields (extended abstract) 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proc. ISIT 2014, pp. 1361-1365 EI收录 Baofeng Wu, Qingfang Jin, Zhuojun Liu, Dongdai Lin
198 其他 Video Quality Improvement for Multi-camera Systems Using Camera Control Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference pp.1924-1931, 2014 EI收录 Jianghua Zhong, W.Batiaan Kleijn, Xiaoming Hu
199 其他 Stability of Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation pp. 671-676, 2014 EI收录 Jianghua Zhong, Dongdai Lin
200 其他 On Maximum Length Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers Using a Boolean Network Approach Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference pp. 2502-2507, 2014 EI收录 Jianghua Zhong, Dongdai Lin
201 其他 New Partial Key Exposure Attacks on CRT-RSA with Large Public Exponents ACNS 2014 LNCS 8479, pp. 151–162, 2014 EI收录 Yao Lu, Rui Zhang, Dongdai Lin
202 其他 Constructing S-boxes for lightweight cryptography with Feistel structure Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2014 (CHES2014) CHES2014, LNCS 8731, Page(s): 127–146, 2014 EI收录 李永强,王明生
203 其他 Low Data Complexity Inversion Attacks
on Stream Ciphers via Truncated
Compressed Preimage Sets
Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy(ACISP 2014) ACISP 2014, LNCS 8544, pp. 131–147, 2014 EI收录 钟霄,王明生,张斌,吴生宝
204 其他 Revised Algorithms for Computing Algebraic Immunity against Algebraic and Fast Algebraic Attacks Information Security Conference ISC 2014, LNCS 8783, pp. 104–119, 2014 EI收录 矫琳,张斌,王明生
205 其他  Image Retrieval and Ranking via Consistently Reconstructing Multi-attribute Queries ECCV 2014 ECCV (1) 2014: 569-583 EI收录 Xiaochun Cao, Hua Zhang, Xiaojie Guo, Si Liu, and Xiaowu Chen
206 其他 Robust Foreground Detection Using Smoothness and Arbitrariness Constraints ECCV 2014 ECCV (7) 2014: 535-550 EI收录 Xiaojie Guo, Xinggang Wang, Liang Yang, Xiaochun Cao, and Yi Ma
207 其他 How to Effectively Decrease the Resource Requirement in Template Attack? IWSEC 2014 LNCS 8639, pp. 119-133 EI收录 Hailong Zhang
208 其他 A Hierarchical Clustering Method For Big Data Oriented Ciphertext Search 2014 IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Security and Privacy in Big Data p565-570 EI收录 Chi Chen, Xiaojie Zhu, Peisong Shen,Jiankun Hu
209 其他 Optional Multi-biometric Cryptosystem Based on Fuzzy Extractor 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(FSKD 2014) p1001-1006 EI收录 Chi Chen, Chaogang Wang, Tengfei Yang,Dongdai Lin,Song Wang, Jiankun Hu
210 其他 Bee-Based IP Traceback 11th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(FSKD 2014) p980-984 EI收录 M. Hamedi-Hamzehkolaie,Chi Chen*, Xue Tian,Reza Sanei,Masoud Khalil Nezhad
211 其他 基于等级保护的云计算安全防护体系研究 第三届全国信息安全等级保护技术大会(获奖论文) p45-50 其他收录 陈雪秀,于晶,陈驰,任卫红
212 其他 Differential forensics of DC-DM based watermarking 2014 IEEE China Summit and International Conference on Signal and Information Processing 611-615 EI收录 赵险峰,于海波,朱杰,邓永
213 其他 Steganography based on adaptive pixel-value differencing scheme revisited IWDW 2013 /LNCS LNCS 8389, pp. 32-47 EI收录 张弘,关晴骁,赵险峰
214 其他 A Progressive Dual-Rail Routing Repair
Approach for FPGA Implementation of Crypto
ISPEC 2014 LNCS  8434217-231 国际会议 EI Chenyang Tu(屠晨阳) , #Wei He, Neng Gao(高能)  , #Eduardo de la Torre,
Zeyi Liu
(刘泽义), Limin Liu(刘丽敏)
215 其他 Modular Inversion Hidden Number Problem Revisited ISPEC 2014 LNCS  8434537-551 国际会议 EI Jun Xu(许军), Lei Hu(胡磊), Zhangjie Huang(黄章杰), Liqiang Peng(彭力强)
216 其他 Further Improvement of Factoring RSA Moduli with Implicit Hint AFRICACRYPT 2014 LNCS  8469165-177 国际会议 EI Liqiang Peng(彭力强), Lei Hu(胡磊), Jun Xu(许菊), Zhangjie Huang(黄章杰), Yonghong Xie(解永宏)
217 其他 Partial Key Exposure Attacks
on Takagi’s Variant of RSA
ACNS 2014 LNCS 8479134-150 国际会议 EI Zhangjie Huang(黄章杰),Lei Hu(胡磊), Jun Xu(许军), Liqiang Peng(彭力强),Yonghong Xie(解永宏)
218 其他 Improved Cryptanalysis on Reduced-Round GOST and Whirlpool Hash Function ACNS 2014 LNCS 8479289-307 国际会议 EI Bingke Ma(马冰珂), Bao Li(李宝), Ronglin Hao(郝荣林), Xiaoqian Li(李晓仟)
219 其他 Remotely Wiping Sensitive Data on Stolen Smartphones ASIACCS 2014 2014,537-542 国际会议 EI Xingjie Yu(余幸杰), Zhan Wang(王展), #Kun Sun(孙坤), Wen Tao Zhu(朱文涛), Neng Gao(高能),  Jiwu Jing(荆继武)
220 其他 MobiHydra: Pragmatic and Multi-Level
Plausibly Deniable Encryption Storage for
Mobile Devices
ISC 2014 2014 国际会议 EI Xingjie Yuy(余幸杰), #Bo Chen, Zhan Wang(王展),
Bing Chang
(常冰), Wen Tao Zhu(朱文涛),  Jiwu Jing(荆继武)
221 其他 Related Key Secure PKE
from Hash Proof Systems
IWSEC 2014 LNCS 86392014,250-265 国际会议 EI Dingding Jia(贾仃仃), Bao Li(李宝), Xianhui Lu(路献辉), # Qixiang Mei
222 其他 Exploiting the Floating-point Computing Power of GPUs for RSA ISC2014 LNCS 8783,198 国际会议 EI 郑昉昱,潘无穷,林璟锵,荆继武,赵原
223 其他 virtio-ct: A Secure Cryptographic Token Service in Hypervisors International Workshop on Data Protection in Mobile and Pervasive Computing (DAPRO) in conjunction with SecureComm   国际会议  管乐, #Fengjun Li, 荆继武, 汪婧,马自强
224 其他 EFS: Effcient and Fault-Scalable Byzantine Fault Tolerant Systems against Faulty Clients Securecomm2014   国际会议  蔡权伟,林璟锵,#Fengjun Li,王琼霄,査达仁
225 其他 Towards Efficient Update of Access Control
Policy for Cryptographic Cloud Storage
SecureComm2014   国际会议 EI Weiyu Jiang(江伟玉), Zhan Wang(王展), Limin Liu(刘丽敏), Neng Gao(高能)
226 其他 The hidden number problem of least
significant bits
WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies 51,471-479 国际会议 EI Zhenqi Kang(康镇麒), Kewei Lv(吕克伟)
227 其他 Tighter Security Bound of MIBS Block Cipher
against Differential Attack
NSS 2014 LNCS 8792,518-525 国际会议 EI Xiaoshuang Ma(马小双), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维), Kexin Qiao(乔珂欣), Jinyong Shan(单进勇)
228 其他 The classification of quantum symmetric-key encryption protocols SPIE Photonics Asia 2014   国际会议
Chong Xiang(向憧), Li Yang(杨理), Yong Peng and Dongqing Chen(吴辰苗)
229 其他 Interactive identification protocol based on a quantum public-key cryptosystem SPIE Photonics Asia 2014   国际会议
Chenmiao Wu (吴辰苗)and Li Yang(杨理)
230 其他 RootkitDet: Practical End-to-End Defense against Kernel Rootkits in a Cloud Environment In Computer Security-ESORICS 2014 LNCS 8712,2014,475-493 国际会议
Zhang, L(张令臣), #Shetty, S., #Liu, P.,  Jing, J. (荆继武)
231 其他 TrustCheckReliable Memory Acquisition on Smartphones Computer Security-ESORICS 2014 LNCS 8712,2014,202-218 国际会议
Sun H(孙赫),#Sun K(孙坤), Wang Y(王跃武), Jing J(荆继武). TrustDump
232 其他 移动互联网安全威胁研究进展 29次全国计算机安全学术交流会 2014,9,30-33 国内会议 王学强,雷灵光,王跃武
233 其他 社交网络隐私策略研究 全国电子认证技术交流大会 2014,185-189 国内会议 牛莹姣
234 其他 Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits from
Multilinear Maps
ISC2014 LNCS 8783 国际会议
Fei Tang(唐飞), Hongda Li(李红达) and Bei Liang(梁蓓)
235 其他 Joint Signature and Encryption in the Presence
of Continual Leakage
WISA2014 301-312 国际会议
Fei Tang(唐飞) and Hongda Li(李红达)
236 其他 Automatic Security Evaluation and (Related-key) Differential Characteristic Search: Application to SIMON, PRESENT, LBlock, DES(L) and Other Bit-oriented Block Ciphers Asiacrypt 2014 LNCS 8873,158-178 国际会议 EI Siwei Sun(孙思维), Lei Hu(胡磊), Peng Wang(王鹏), Kexin Qiao(乔珂欣), Xiaoshuang Ma(马小双), Ling Song(宋凌)
237 其他 Error-Tolerant Algebraic Side-Channel Attacks Using BEE  ICICS 2014   国际会议
Ling Song(宋凌), Lei Hu(胡磊), Siwei Sun(孙思维), Zhang Zhang,Danping Shi(史丹萍), Ronglin Hao(郝荣林)
238 其他 Match Box Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks on the SIMON Family of Block Ciphers  Lightsec 2014   国际会议
Ling Song (宋凌), Lei Hu(胡磊), Bingke Ma (马冰珂), Danping Shi(史丹萍)